
Friday, September 10, 2010

Face #6 and an uncomfortable attempt at oils

Hello everyone. I'm back with face #6 and an elephant that I painted with oils. I decided to try real oils (I've had a set for ages) and not the water based oils that I've used a few times before. All I did was make a huge, oily mess (and not a very successful painting that I photographed with my phone in not the greatest light, so it looks even worse)and I managed to make myself feel ill. I don't think my place is ventilated well enough for turpentine fumes. Blah, my tummy is in a bit of turmoil. I am someone that tends to like a bit of chemical fumes, but I was breathing them in for too long. I hope my cats are feeling o.k.. I think I'll have to stick with acrylics and the water based oils that I use on occasion. You should have seen my hands when I was washing up. They were coated with slimy brown oil. Yuck. And who knows if the brushes that I used will ever be the same. I do have to say, they're fun to play with, but more trouble than they're worth.

In other news, I went to my friend's house today and we watched 6 hours of television. I haven't been to her house in the past 2 or three weeks and our tivoed (I don't know how you spell the plural of "tivo") shows were building up. To me, that's too much time to sit and watch t.v. when you're not doing anything else along with the watching. I felt a bit antsy by the time we were done and we're still behind. We will have to do another marathon watching to catch up.

I think I'm starting to feel a bit better now. I didn't use any cadmium yellow, so I probably won't go crazy like Van Gogh, but I may have killed a few brain cells.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

Hey there nice face #6 and oily elephant! I am sorry to hear that oils were a mess but glad you were not exposed to chemicals as powerful as Van Gogh! Keep those faces coming I heart them and I heart elephants in oil or otherwise. Good to see u yesterday at the library. hope all went well the rest of monday--at least there was plenty of cake to see you through the evening--and perhaps too circus peanuts---unless DD ate all of them before she left : )