
Monday, September 27, 2010

a digital image created with GIMP and a rant about political correctness...

So, as all of my furniture (excluding my bed)has been moved out of my bedroom so my carpet can dry, I don't have access to my PC (so no photoshop)and my scanner. Therefore, I thought I would try to create a digital image with GIMP. GIMP is a freeware program that is a lot like Photoshop and recently it has been added to the computers at the library where I work. Even though I've known about GIMP for quite some time, I never felt compelled to download it since I do have Photoshop. But when they added it to the public computers, I wanted to try it as I like to know a thing or two about the software that is available at work. I had a photo editing software on my laptop already (PhotoImpact), but I've never liked it all that much, so it is nice to have GIMP (as mentioned, it is a lot like Photoshop)on my laptop.

Anyway, on to my rant about political correctness. I think most political correctness is about peoples' fear of looking bad, not about actually caring about the matter or people at hand. For instance, when GIMP was added to the work computers, there were all these posts on the public blog about how we should change the name because the word GIMP has negative implications. Blah. How silly is that? This is a software that has existed for years and it is an acronym name (I'm too lazy to look up what it actually stands for). You can't just go and change it. But these people are just oh so caring and they want to put themselves out there as empathetic, elevated human beings who are so worried that someone might be offended. The fact that they had to write about it on the public blog just showed me that they wanted everyone to know that they thought about this first and they needed to educate everyone else on the matter. It all boils down to ego. Blah again. Blah blah blah... I just tend to get myself worked up about these things because I can spot pretentiousness and insincerity from miles away. And oh, the burden of that;)

Anyway, enough of my ranting. I will now just talk about my elephant. As I've stated before, I don't think a laptop mouse is an ideal drawing tool, but it's fun to play with and I kind of like my little elephant.

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