
Sunday, September 19, 2010

A pachyderm paintings picture...

I just arranged my recent pachyderm paintings on the floor and took a picture. I thought they looked cute all together there, on the floor. As you can probably see, it is mostly elephants. I haven't given up on rhinos--I just wanted to give elephants their turn. Today I used a liquid medium with my acrylic paints. It makes them dry slower, so you can blend a bit more (the red elephant in the middle was the result). I look forward to experimenting with this in my future paintings. I also used a varnish on the painting after it was done and I didn't like the result. I have only used varnish once before on some teeny tiny paintings to be made into magnets that I gave to Julia. The effect was fine on the teeny tiny paintings, but I don't like it on this elephant. It's not all that visible on this teeny tiny photo. I just hit publish post for some reason, so this is posted right now, incomplete. Why did I do that? I am going to finish it now and repost it. For anyone that subscribes to my posts via e-mail, you never see the final post in the e-mail. I almost always edit after first posting.

It's kind of a nice day to be sitting inside, but I've accomplished quite a bit. I cleaned my kitchen, (and that includes scrubbing the floor--I rarely do that), did laundry (including the sheets), picked up a bit, vacuumed and made bread. I also painted the red elephant and started reading a 1474 page book by an Indian author, Vikram Seth called A Suitable boy (yes, I have started this book before, but this time I plan on finishing it). I only got to page 25 the last time I started it, but I was busy at the time. I love books that are set in India, and this one has glowing reviews, so I'm sure I'll like it once I get into it. I'm only on page 22 now, so I have a long way to go. This is one of those books that would be easier to read with a Kindle. It's kind of awkward to hold. But then there are other books that I would never want only in digital form. For instance, I was looking for a version of Alice In Wonderland with Arthur Rackham's illustrations, and Amazon had all of these Kindle versions. If I'm getting a book for the illustrations, as I would be in this case, I want a print copy. I don't have a Kindle, or any reader for that matter, anyway.


JBrandwein said...

Hey Anne, nice elephant collection and nice post. I am rather bleary eyed at this moment but it seems as though you had a lovely day and if this was all today--a lovely Monday indeed. The book sounds intriguing as are your thoughts on Kindles and readers and such. Funny you should mention Alice--I was at Barnes and Nobles yesterday and picked up a copy of the B and N classics version and read the entire introduction/analysis while sitting there sipping coffee. Now I'm intrigue by the illustrations you mentioned. much interesting stuff to ponder...and sadly...for now i have to write a paper about wallpaper. I should just write "personally, I don't like the stuff" and turn it in and move on to other more interesting things....

JBrandwein said...

akkk. bleary eyed I see I've posted comment again as my student blogger many identities to keep track of these days : )