
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cow and Face #5

Just as the title says, I have a face and a cow. I know the cow should technically count as a face, but she was painted before I started my faces project, so she is just a cow. Could a cow by any other name be a face? Yes. But, what else would we call a cow? Mooey? Machinski? I think I prefer "cow." I don't want to change the name. And I still will not count this cow face as one of my faces.

The man is bearded. I'm not a big fan of beards(or curly haired men, for that matter--waves are nice though), but I tend to like to draw beards. This guy was fun to draw and I'm thinking I may actually like to do a proper drawing of him, not just a sketch. Maybe sometime. For now, he'll have to just settle for being a sketch. I should mention that all of my sketches have come from photos from the wetcanvas reference image library. I love the reference image library. I even have a few of my photos there.

In other news, what would I do without a library card? Really? It's such a great thing for a person with not much money to have. Tonight I started watching a cable t.v. series on dvd called "Damages" that I got from the library and I'm really enjoying it and there are always books and c.d.s and they all make me very happy. I feel so bad for library patrons that come in with fines of $80.00 that they accrued years ago (maybe even back when their parents should have been ensuring that their items were returned on time)and, therefore, can't use their cards. I can tell that many of them are poor and that they'll probably never be able to pay off the fines, thus, they will never be able to enjoy the many wonderful resources the library can provide. Life is just not fair. If it were up to me, especially with kids, I would love to establish a read down your fines program. I developed one of these programs for a library school project. Too bad that library school projects seem to be too idealistic for a certain library system. There are library systems that do use these programs, but alas, not ours.


JBrandwein said...

Hey Anne, I heart the cow and the bearded man and the library card and fine story. I think a read down program is a great idea and but am not surprised that the VERY innovative HCL system would never consider such an idea. Practical, useful, thoughtful innovation did not seem to be the HCL cup of tea. Speaking of tea, I had two cups today and those cups were certainly my cup of tea today--they helped lessen the pain of sitting in front of my computer all day doing things other than blogging, emailing and other such fun stuff. Critical summaries of scholarly articles is not my cup of tea--at least not today.

JBrandwein said...

oops there I go posting under my school identity again....I must learn to keep school me and fun me better separated : )