
Monday, September 6, 2010

Blue rhinos on a cloudy afternoon

I have been fairly prolific this month so far, especially compared to last month. I even have a couple of things I have done that aren't scanned yet. It's the taste of fall in the air. Fall is a time when the creative urges really come a callin'. As everyone here knows, I heart fall.

These guys are fairly small and as you can see, are monochromatic. They're not bad, but they could be better. I just feel stuck as far as painting goes. I think I need to look through some books and study techniques. I tend to not like to do that, but I think it would help. I like to just dive in willy nilly. Who wants to read the instructions?

I'm now feeling the urge to bake some brownies, but I would have to go out and get a mix for that. I have flour, cocoa, sugar, etc, but not baking powder or soda and I'm sure one or the other is needed to bake them from scratch. I never have those two items in the house. In fact, I've probably never ever bought baking powder. I guess I can live without them. It's not like if I did bake them that I would eat them all. I'd bring them to work tomorrow, but I'd probably stuff at least a couple of them in my mouth today, I am very much enjoying not laboring on this Labor Day. Although I'm sure we'll pay for it tomorrow, with the library being a madhouse and all. People can't handle it when the library is closed for a day and we always end up suffering for it the next day.

Edited to add, wow, I actually found a recipe for brownies that doesn't call for baking powder, so I guess I'll be making brownies after all!

Edited again to add that the brownies turned out great.

One more edit, just so I can link this fun little thing to play with.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

brownies! I want brownies! Glad you are able to labor only at things you enjoy this labor day and hope that your brownie making labor turns into some yummy treats--and heck, go ahead and eat a bunch--it is, after all, a HOLIDAY today : )

I like the painting and am so pleased to hear that the change in weather has also lead to an increase in creative activity on your part. As i've previously mentioned....I heart your art : )