
Monday, May 31, 2010

A Sunday (oops, I mean Monday) night drawing

Today I spent some time on this drawing, hoping that it was a portrait that I was going to want to finish. Unfortunately, I jumped in without having the line drawing right and it's too late to fix things now. So, it will go into my huge pile of unfinished drawings. I have a tendency to be impatient. You can't always just jump into a portrait, it takes planning and careful observation, neither of which I engaged in here. On the plus side, the start of my shading is good, so not all is lost. Practice always makes better.

And speaking of practice, I made another batch (my second) of lentil "soup" today and this one tasted better than my first batch. It could have had to do with the fact that I added cumin this time, even though the recipe didn't call for it. I think a lot of things taste better with cumin. And I say "soup" because I like it thick, so there really isn't much broth. It's more like lentil stew. One thing I realize in making this recipe twice is that I really hate chopping carrots. Celery and onions are easy, but I feel like I'm going to chop off a bit or two of finger with carrots. Maybe if I had a better knife it would help.

Hope everyone had a good long weekend. I think I'm going to be confused about what day it is all week long. Is it really Monday? Oh, and one last thing about the portrait. I'm not sure I would have had the patience for those braids. Hair I can handle, but hair with patterns is another matter.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

i heart this drawing and cannot see what is wrong with it. Looks great to me.
Lentil stew sounds careful with those carrots...I have lost more than a few drops of blood chopping veggies---although I can't really say that any one veggie is more dangerous than others---it seems to me that onions have been a common source of injury....

Best wishes for your return to the brary today.