
Friday, May 21, 2010


The question is: What would rhinos like to read? Probably, like all folk, they have diverse interests. This one wants to find out why this bird fellow follows him around, making a home on his hide, wherever he goes. He knows the bird is pecking and removing the ticks from his hide and that is a good thing as it is tough to lumber through life feeling creepy crawly itchy all the time. And Mr. Oxpecker keeps telling him "boy, your ticks are delicious," so the bird is benefiting from their partnership as well. Being the curious type, Mr. Rhino must go to the rhinoceros library and check out a book to find out if there is some kind of scientific name for this phenomenon. It turns out, there is: symbiosis. Mr. Rhino and his stool, unfortunately don't have a symbiotic relationship. The only one that is benefiting in this exchange is Mr. Rhino. As you can see, the stool is beginning to droop a bit. Hopefully, our rhino is a fast reader or he may find himself crashing to the ground before he learns all there is to know about Biology.

I think I had mentioned the other day, that I downloaded google chrome. Boy is it making my Internet life much more pleasant. I don't know what was going on with Firefox and me, but we have officially broken up, unless Firefox finds a way to clean up its act, which it may, eventually... But for now, google chrome is my main squeeze. A browser that doesn't freeze up and crash all the time, is a very good thing. Are we participating in a symbiotic exchange. Yeah, I'd say we are, in a way. We are both benefiting, aren't we?

This is the one Friday per month that I don't have exercise class and I always kind of miss it, despite the fact that it's difficult to get up on and go in the morning. I know I should stretch on my own, but between aerobics and the occasional weight training, how can I motivate myself to engage in a half hour or so of stretching on my own, as well? Going to a class has worked out great, but unfortunately, the class ends next week. Yes, stretching classes will be out for the summer. I guess stretching is not a summer activity?

Before I keep rambling along, I think I will stop here. I hope everyone has a good day. Enjoy the weather before it gets dreadfully hot this weekend. 90 degrees is really too much for May, I think. If I were a rhino, I think it would time for a good mud wallow.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

I heart this rhino reading. Hope his stool held up til he finished his book. I wrote something once about brown headed cowbirds who have a symbiotic relationship with animals too. Cows if I recall correctly? I think I will have to revisit that bit of writing, sit on a stool and ponder symbiosis just like the rhino.

Far as stretching goes (and when you stretch everything goes farther or is it further, yes?) I heart stretching and have found motivation to do it on my own without class, however, I believe a stretching class would be great. Is it actually just stretching or is it some kinda yoga?