
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Well, I'm no stranger to self-censoring as I have to do it from time to time, but I do hate self-censoring my drawings. I only did this because, as some of you may remember, yahoo censored a perfectly innocent figure drawing that I had posted on my old blog and I don't want to have to deal with that again. I was in the mood for drawing a figure as I haven't done it in quite some time. And as I tend to do, when I draw figures, I morph them into some type of mythical being. I hope it is obvious that she is a fairy. My proportions aren't perfect, but it is a fairly o.k. effort as I am quite rusty with figure drawing. Actually the top half is the best part of the drawing, and unfortunately, I had to cover some of it.

I can't really seem to come up with anything interesting to say tonight. I had a perfectly good day off today, but it was anything but eventful. I could write about not having anything interesting to write about, but that wouldn't be interesting would it?

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