
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Evening

Well, since the day is over, I can't say Mother's Day anymore. So, Happy Mother's Evening to all the mothers out there reading my blog, including my own. As you can see, I'm posting a flower, or more specifically a bud. As usual, my attempts to scan colored pencil were frustrating, but this will have to do. I saw a picture of an allium bud and I thought it was the coolest looking thing ever. I actually like the buds better than the flowers. The reference photo that I used was the only picture of one that I could find that was public domain, but I may do another one using a copyrighted photo as there are much more interesting looking buds out there. I'm not selling the work, anyway.

To those that know how obsessed I was with eating a donut last night and that my attempts to procure one were futile, you may be happy to know that I did get to eat one tonight. It was delicious and now my craving has been satisfied, so all is right with the world...

In other news, I think it's possible that I'm coming down with a cold or I'm just having allergy issues. Either way, I'm dealing with phlegm and a cough.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

this is a great drawing and I will look forward to seeing more allium buds! So happy to hear that your donut craving has been satisfied. I do understand that craving and it must and should be headed. (Is that the correct use of headed?)

Thanks for Mother's Evening wishes. One is not often wishes a happy Mother's Evening and so that makes the wish extra special---and more genuine than the young woman who wished me a happy mother's day yesterday afternoon although I was, at the time, unaccompanied by children.