Yes, it's me again. I can't believe I forgot to blog about the suburban chicken. As the story goes, my friend was showing me her garden on Sunday night and I looked up to see a chicken. It turns out my friend's neighbor has 2 chickens. One lays an egg every day, the other one lays an egg every once in awhile. Of course I was all excited and had to run inside to grab my phone for a photo op.. Unfortunately, the chicken being a chicken was a chicken and ran away when I tried to get close enough for a decent photo. Next week I will bring my camera so I can zoom. I will be very sad if I hear that these chickens are going to be eaten when winter comes around. I told the chicken that I was very sorry that I, on occasion, eat her brothers or sisters. I don't think that she understood as she still didn't let me near her.
I heart the chicken story but am sad to hear how it will end. Good things chickens don't worry much about the future and can likely enjoy the present...looks like being a suburban chicken is pretty nice.
I like the chicken story....glad they don't have a rooster to wake up the neighborhood. It would be nice to have fresh eggs every day but I think I'd get too attached to the chickens and not be able to eat them. One thing about chickens they never want to stand still for their close-up.
although i missed the story, i heard that ch 4 news was going to do a piece on suburban/city chickens last night..something about when the hens stop laying eggs what becomes of them?
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