
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sicilian Buttercup

This chicken is a Sicilian Buttercup. He is not a squash or a flower, but a chicken. And I do have to wonder if he is a member of the chicken mafia? I am now the proud owner of the book, Extraordinary Chickens I had checked out this book several times and when I saw it in our book sale room (well, actually someone that was looking out for me, stuck it in my locker) for $1.00, I had to buy it. It is full of photos of extraordinary chickens. This guy (I keep saying guy--wouldn't that make him a rooster? But then again, roosters are nothing more than male chickens). Whatever you do think of this chicken (or rooster), you have to admit that his comb and his waddle are pretty extraordinary, especially in the photo, as they are all dramatically red and bumpy and look like internal organs. I need to do one of these guys in color. This was just a quick sketch that I did last night, so I didn't even come close to showing how extraordinary this chicken actually is.

jb, it was good to see you at the party yesterday. Glad you popped in... I am exhausted today. After all that partying yesterday, I didn't go home after work, but went to a friend's house and didn't get home until almost 1:00. A very long day... Today I have to go to work and actually work--no more partying.


Janei said...

I love the drawing....I bet he would taste great with squash. There I go again, thinking about food. He would fit right in in my kitchen with the other chicks and roosters. Can't wait to see one in color!

J Brand said...

I love the male chicken/rooster and think he is extraordinary. I am so glad you got that book! That is one of the benefits of working in the library--getting to see all that great stuff come through both the library and esp. the book sale : ) It was good to see you yesterday too. I enjoyed stopping at BD which I guess means I might be on the road to recovery ; ) Truth is, I have not wanted to stop there at all because it just felt so awful. yesterday it did not feel awful. Thanks for hosting me in the "shadow" party.....