
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Morning piggies... and afternoon edit with "pamplemousse"

And no I do not mean sausage links or bacon strips. I just mean that I drew these piggies this morning. I did not eat them. In fact, no piggies were harmed in the making of this drawing. I do love Wednesdays. I like just letting the day unfold slowly. Got up at 10:00 today. I didn't have any milk in the house, so I went through McD's drive-through and got a vanilla latte. I know I could have gotten some milk or had a Caribou coffee just across the street, but that would have involved getting fully dressed. The drive-through allowed me to be partially in pjs. I drank my latte while first reading and then drawing piggies. Now I'm thinking of getting fully dressed and going out for real, but I'm just thinking about it at this point.

I can't believe how nice it is today. When I got off work last night it was all muggy and thick aired, so I slept with the AC running. Boy was I surprised when I went out for my coffee and discovered that the air was dry and that there was a refreshingly cool breeze to go along with it. Perfect weather for reading and drawing piggies... Have I mentioned how much I love Wednesdays?

I'm back after a search for my shampoo. Didn't feel like driving all the way to MG to my hair salon, so stayed in the area. I guess it must be a sign of the bad economy that there just doesn't seem to be very many hair salons in the area anymore. There was one just down the street that isn't open anymore and of course the one in Bd closed. Didn't find my product. Fortunately, I have some other shampoo at home, so it wasn't urgent. I got a small Starbucks white mocha while I was out. The latte I had this morning was also a small and it just didn't cut it. I also got some milk, so I can make my own coffee tomorrow morning. Hope everyone is having a good day and that any quests that you make are more fruitful than mine.

Oh, one more thing. I wasn't just in search of hair products. I also needed sparkling water (I have a major addiction to the stuff and can't live without it). I did find that, but they were out of my regular berry flavor (of course). The flavor that I bought I haven't tried before and I think I may really like it. It says "pamplemousse" on the can. I'll leave you to figure out what flavor that is. I think I have found a new favorite word.


J Brand said...

pamplemouse---some kind of rodent/fruit combination? Like the piggies.

Janei said...

This little piggie went to market to get some delicious Pamplemousse and he went Wee Wee Wee all the way home while sipping on this delightful beverage. I like your piggie picture...and I give - what is the flavor like?