
Friday, July 10, 2009

The Hungry Little Library Caterpillar

We have little joy at our workplace, so we have been very excited about this hungry little caterpillar. He just sits outside the staff door on a milkweed and chomps the day away. Unfortunately none of us could find him yesterday. I am hoping that he was just taking a break from the munching and lounging in the foliage on the ground. It's about time for him to zip into his chrysalis. When I was a kid I raised many monarch caterpillars, so all of this stuff is not new to me, but it has been fun to watch this little guy and I would like to eventually see him fly away with his new, shiny, orange and black wings. Here is a little video I took with my phone. Even though the picture isn't all that clear, I think you can tell that he's munching and completely oblivious to all the commotion going on around him.

1 comment:

Janei said...

Pretty cool. Kinda looks like me today...munching and munching away on food. Wish I could become a beautiful butterfly after all this eating. Hope your caterpillar reappears and is alright.