
Monday, March 16, 2009

Quickie Ellies...

I just bought a new drawing pen this weekend (couldn't find my old ones), so I thought I would break it in and do a sketch. Love those Michael's coupons! These pens are about 20 dollars and Michael's coupons tend to be for 40% off, so they come in handy for those of us that tend to lose our pens. I filled the pen too full and ended up getting India ink all over my hands. So, now I have black lines outlining my fingernails. Lovely!

I'm dreading going to work, but I thought I would start it with some elephants, so that made me happy. Anyway, it's always good to start the day with something you love, especially when you have to and do something that you hate for the rest of the day. Better get off my butt now. My butt really seems to like my couch. They're very good friends actually.


J Brand said...

nice ellies nice pen story i am glad that your behind and the couch get along. that is important far as comfort goes. sorry you have to be at bd on such a beautiful spring day. harumph on BD.

Hope you get to give that pen more of a workout soon. I will look forward to seeing more more more drawings!

Happy St. Patty's Day early!

Janei said...

Very nice picture of your elephants. So glad you bought a new pen so we can enjoy your artwork.

I know what you mean about your butt liking your couch....mine likes all the chairs in my place and the couch and the bed.