
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quick sketch and drive-by posting...

Well, I'm here at 11:50, so it's actually still today. Tomorrow hasn't started yet. Although, it may be tomorrow by the time this is posted. You will just have to pretend that it is still today as I wanted to post today and I'm doing it now while it is still today, so there...

My head feels about 2 pounds lighter now as I had my hair trimmed today (yes, I know if this gets posted after 12:00, it is actually yesterday, but what of it?) I also went to Trader Joe's, so I can add back some of the poundage that I lost with the hair. Although I did not buy any of those orange chocolates that I like so much. I bought mostly food stuff as opposed to snack stuff. I did finally buy some almond butter that I have been wanting to try. It is good, but it looks just like this apricot exfoliating face scrub that I had way back when.

I went to get my license tabs today and arrived at the Robbinsdale City Hall at 4:40 PM only to find that they had already closed at 4:30. Who in the hell closes at 4:30? I think their reasoning must be this: we better get this place closed before people that are coming from work start to arrive. We wouldn't want to cater to the working folk. I will have to wait until Friday as getting tabs at the Robbinsdale City Hall is a million times less painless than doing so in Brooklyn Center. You usually only have to wait 2 seconds at Robbinsdale as opposed to 450 minutes in Brooklyn Center.

Anyway, just did a quick sketch, so I would have something to post. And by quick I mean quick. Well, it seems to be tomorrow now, but in my heart, it is still today, so I am posting this today.

Edited to add that blogger's time seems to be about 15 minutes slow as it is was actually midnight when I sent my post, so blogger seems to be on my side in wanting to get this post out today.


J Brand said...

I like the sketch and i like the post. It makes me smile to see your posts and to see your sketches too. thanks for posting "today"....

J Brand said...

i don't know why things close at 430. I got my license renewed this week and remembered on the way that they don't take credit or debit cards so i had to turn around to get other payment. in addition to closing at 430, I find it annoying that they don't take cards. this is in Columbia Heights where I went cuz, like Robbinsdale, there is no wait time. I avoid BD for that stuff...too long to wait! So you got your hair reduced...seems like everyone is cutting back these days!

Janei said...

I like your sketch and glad that you were able to post it today which was yesterday....I'm a little behind looking at the blogs lately.

Did you get a lot of length cut off your hair or just thinned out or layered? I used to do that kind of work so was just curious. I know I have a lot of hair so it always feels good when they thin it takes a load off.

Sorry you didn't make it to Robbinsdale in time to get your tabs....I hate when that happens.