Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
I don't have anything scary to post today, but I do have these punkins (yes, that is how I meant to spell it) that I painted a week or two ago. I figured I should make a Halloween post as I completely forgot about Columbus Day. I shouldn't neglect all of the October holidays. I don't have much to say today other than "Happy Halloween." I did not decorate for Halloween this year, but I do have two black cats, so that should suffice.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I tried to paint tonight. It was disastrous, so I won't be posting it. Instead I will post two sketches that I've done in my sketch book in the past week. They are both "copies" of Durer's work. It seems that everything that I tried to do today didn't work out. I have been making soup pretty much every weekend, trying new recipes... Most of them have been successful. Today's lentil soup just ended up a muddy, ploppy pile. I don't even think I will be eating it. Tonight I ate spaghetti instead. Anyway, I enjoyed working on these sketches. I like sketches. I like creating them and I like looking at them. It's too bad that a group of teenagers had to rowdily arrive in the room where I was looking at sketches while at the Institute of Art earlier this week. Teenagers should not travel in packs in art museums.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Self Portrait with Fish
Just a very quick sketch that I did this morning. It seems, judging by photos from my early childhood, all I ever did was hold strings of fish. This is a sketch from a photo from those times. I might add, if you can't tell from the sketch, which is again, very quick and rough, I am also eating a Popsicle. I can't do anything more than quick sketches right now as my right index finger is all swollen and seems to be infected. That's all for now...
Edited to add the actual photo because it's funny.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A quick little painting and a quick little post...
Hey gentle blog readers. It's me again. I'm afraid that my evening labor did not allow me to produce a good piece of fruit. It strayed far from my original idea which is fine, but it is not a pretty piece of fruit. It is a bit bruised and battered I have to say. I like to stray, but sometimes straying makes for a not so good picture. Should I try coming up with an idea and sticking to it until the end or is it better to stray? But really, this not so good painting doesn't warrant deep thought about straying or not straying, it just is what it is. The one thing I never go for with painting is realism. Maybe I should try that sometime and see what I come up with. At least the original painting looks better than the scan.
Do I have anything else to talk about tonight? Hmmm.... I don't think so. Right now I'm just typing for the sake of typing. I do like the feel of the keys under my fingers even if I'm not saying anything interesting. I like to type.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Hiatus over?
Well, hopefully... It really has been a long time and unlike the t.v. shows, I didn't even feature re-runs. But then again, are t.v. shows even run again anymore? Don't they just fill the summer hours with inane reality t.v.? I was looking at my blog and saw that I took a much briefer break last summer, but returned right around this time as well. I haven't been drawing much at all, but did this sketch last night. It was a quickie from the weekend drawing event photos selection. I don't have much to say, actually. I have to get back into the groove gradually, I think...
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Rhino belly dancer...
Yes, I know--long long time, no post. Bad bad Anne. It's rare that I go this long without blogging. I am on the third day of a 12 day pet-sitting job. Since I have several days to go, I may post more often. I feel like I'm having a mini vacation. Yes, I still have to work, but I am staying in a nice house with a sun room and a yard and I don't have to contend with my noisy neighbors. Everyone needs a break from my neighbors now and then. Other than that, I don't have much to say. I was just playing around with Corel Painter this morning and this digital belly dancing rhino was born. This particular version isn't the original. I used an oil paint filter on this and quite like the effect. That's the thing with digital art. You can play around with it, run it through filters, change the background, to your heart's content. I like to do that type of piddling. One of these days I need to get some batteries for my stylus pen. It is much easier to work with that than the laptop mouse. I do have to say a laptop mouse is one of the more difficult things to draw with.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Almost a month?
Yes, it has been almost a month since my last post, but not quite... As you can see my last post's date was April 5th and today is May 4th, so almost...
Why haven't I posted? I suppose part of the reason is that it is such a pain to scan these days. My desktop computer died and my laptop does not have a battery. My printer/scanner is set up in my bedroom, but I prefer to use my laptop in my living room. So, in order to scan, I have to unplug the computer and plug it in in the bedroom. And then I have to unplug it and move it back to the living room and plug it in again. Oh, the joys of not having enough money to fix my technology issues. Obviously, if I had a battery for my laptop, it would not be as much of a pain. And obviously, if I had a working desktop computer, it would really be easy to scan, just as it used to be. Also, with the death of my desktop computer, I no longer have Photoshop and I really really miss it. OK, enough of my technology woes. Every once in awhile, I do plug my computer into the printer in the bedroom and scan a couple of items as I did this weekend (see above).
I was very happy to look outside my window today and see dandelions on hill in front of my apartment. I know people don't like dandelions, but I heart them. It also means that maybe spring is actually here.
In other news, I rescued a mouse this morning. I already watched one of my cats kill a mouse on Sunday and the whole, morbid drama was not at all pleasant. Yes, my cat does play with his food and I do not approve of that behavior. I did not feel like viewing that much nature inside my home again, so I put a fork down next to the poor little creature and he climbed right on and I took him for a ride on the fork and set him out on the steps. I checked a short time ago and he was no longer on the steps. I hope he's out enjoying the dandelions and does not decide to come back inside because that would just be incredibly stupid.
I know I've done many different versions of this rhino, but this one is my favorite so far.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Van Rhino? Oh, where oh where is your ear?
It's been a long time since my last post. I just haven't felt like posting. And since this is something that is within my control and I can decide if I want to post or not, if I don't want to post, I don't post. So there...;)
Today, on this fine spring day, I will post Van Rhino. He was actually drawn last week, but I didn't post him last week as I didn't feel like posting, so he will be posted today, a week past the day he was drawn. Since Van Gogh was a Post-Impressionist, how fitting is that?
Edited to add, I really need to update my books at Goodreads. I was done with most of those ages ago. "Being done" with them doesn't necessarily mean that I've finished them, but I've moved on.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Paddy's Day
No, I don't have a St. Paddy's day picture. Well, I guess it could be if you want to imagine that the rhino's bow tie is green. I drew him in honor of the honorable judge who presided over the case I participated in (as a member of the jury, I might add, not the defendant). I loved the judge. He had a sense of humor and was a cute little guy who wore a bow tie every day. Before we entered the court room the jurors would place bets on what color bow tie he would be wearing that day. Unfortunately, he never got to polka dots, only solid colors and stripes. I do wonder if he will be wearing a green bow tie today. Possibly a green polka dotted bow tie? On the last day of my civic duty, after the verdict was read and everyone was cleared out of the court room, the judge called us back in to thank us. At this point he invited us to ask questions. Since we had been wondering about how many bow ties he owns, one of the jurors asked that question. I could tell he loved that and that he enjoys talking about his bow tie collection. It turns out he owns about 50 bow ties and he started the tradition about 10 years ago, when another judge convinced him that it would be a good idea. He is retiring next year and is hoping that another judge will carry on the tradition. I hope so too.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I've got my eye on ewe
I know--corny title. Sometimes I just can't help it, especially since this ewe does have quite the stare. You may note that this ewe is of indeterminate hues. In real life, it is very violet, but here it looks brownish and blackish with only a tiny bit of violet. That's what happens when you take a photo of a painting with your phone at night.
I know I haven't been blogging for quite some time. Why? Lack of inspiration, reading rather than writing and drawing, jury duty, etc... All kinds of excuses... I can't guarantee that I will be back with a blog post anytime soon. Let me finish jury duty first and then I can try to get back into the swing of things. Am not thrilled with daylight saving's time. it's 9:06 and it feels like 8:06. I want it to be 8:06. Let's go back! I don't care that it's lighter later. What am I going to do during that extra hour of light? Go play in the snow?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Penguins and Snow
Since it is snowing again, I thought it would post this photo of a picture I drew on the white board at work last year. Anyone who has seen March of the Penguins will understand the "humor" in it. Penguins have to work so hard for everything. Poor penguins. I kind of like snow days when I don't have to go out. Fortunately, I don't have any overdue library books at the moment.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Post Valentine's rhino ballerina
Hi everybody. I didn't post a Valentine's rant this year. Some of you may know how I feel about the portrayal of women on t.v. shows and commercials during the Valentine's season. I won't rant about it this year, but I will just say that I don't like it. Most women I know aren't silly about Valentine's Day. Maybe I just know a bunch of smart women. Well, in fact, I know that I do...
Today we have a little sketch of a rhino ballerina. I did this yesterday before work, and again, the photo was taken with my phone, so it does leave something to be desired. I know pachyderm ballerinas are nothing new. Disney did it oh, so well with the hippos, but I haven't seen a lot of rhino ballerinas. I think rhinos are just begging to be portrayed as ballerinas, especially ballerina princesses.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Since my mom sent me an e-mail insisting that I update my blog, in fear of her wrath, I am obliging. She said she was sick of the milk maid. If I could scan, I would post my finished milk maid, but my desktop computer is sick, so I cannot scan at the moment. So instead, I have this poorly photographed (from my phone) rhino in a sweater. Why a rhino in a sweater you may ask? I will answer that "sweater" was the challenge for Illustration Friday. I thought of adding beads of sweat on the rhino's face, but I just stuck to one meaning of "sweater," even though, for some reason, it looks more like a hockey jersey. It started off as a turtle neck, but evolved into a V-neck. You can still imagine that the rhino is sweating anyway. It is an Indian rhino, so I would imagine that rhinos wearing sweaters in India would be quite hot. But then again, I don't think that rhinos actually sweat, but we can pretend.
I see my last post was on Feb. 1st, so it was more recent than I was thinking, but still a long long time ago. I haven't drawn all that much in the past two weeks, but I do have a couple of things that can be posted if I get them scanned. For now, we will have to be satisfied with the poorly photographed rhino sketch. I should mention that if this was actually scanned, you may be able to see that the bird is wearing a sweater as well.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I know I've said this before, but I love Vermeer's paintings. And I've also said before that his painting "The Milkmaid" is one of my favorites. I love the lighting and the colors and the mood he has captured and I love the expression of quiet contemplation on the woman's face. I would love to have this painting hanging above my couch, but alas, I will have to settle for the 8 1/2 X 11 printed version that I have hanging from the side of my book shelf. Maybe that's better anyway as I can see it from my couch and I don't have to worry about art thieves stealing it. I did a bit of research on Vermeer when I had to lead a class discussion on the book "Girl with a Pearl Earring" when I was in library school. I don't remember all the details, but I do remember that unlike my last featured artist, he was not all that prolific, leaving behind only 37 paintings. I also remember that he fathered a ridiculous amount of children, like 14 or something like that. That is probably why he didn't have time to produce more paintings. Not like he was taking care of the children or anything.
I have a book that features all of his paintings. I like the pages that I have scanned here (see bottom of post) that features crops of many of his female subjects. I have used these pages many times while sketching. I have sketched The Milkmaid a few times and this latest version is for the art card trade. This one is postcard sized, but I have a 2 1/2 X 3 1/2 version that I did a couple of years ago with colored pencil that I will be sending out as well. Maybe I'll scan it later (as in tomorrow) and add it to this post.
One of the things I learned about Vermeer's times is that women basically had 3 options for their lives. They could be a wife and mother, they could be a maid or they could be a prostitute. I have a feeling that all three of these options are featured in these two pages of paintings.
Friday, January 28, 2011
I think I'm done with this one...
I say "I think" because I'll probably mess with it before I stick it in an envelope. But I'm thinking that I should spray this and mail it today, so I can stop feeling like I'm getting behind. But hey, I have 6 months, so I'm not behind at all. I have a good start on a bunch of others and I only need to create 20, so I'll be fine. But I do need to let this one go. I used Bristol Vellum by mistake, so it gets smeary very easily. You know how I prefer Bristol smooth, unless I'm drawing something with rough, wrinkly hide.
In other news, it's funny how last night I was feeling envious of New York's winter storm. I know, I know--I always complain about snow, but if I lived in New York, I wouldn't drive, so winter storms would be fine. And I did have fun being snowed in this year. It's really only fun for a day or two though, because then you're itching to get out. You can only make so many loaves of bread and so many brownies before you feel like you want to get up and move and burn the brownies and bread off. That's all for today. I know I haven't been around much lately. I hope to be back regularly soon. I have still been drawing. I just haven't been posting.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A bit of summer...
I thought I would post this sunflower painting that I painted several months ago, but never posted. This one I gave away to Jane. This time of the year, I am so sick of white and gray and brown that a bit of color in the surroundings would be good. The other day someone was going on about how she thought that cold sunny days were the prettiest. I do not. Even though I was just going on about how we could use a bit of color, I just don't think the sun goes well with snow. In addition to hurting my eyes, it clashes and the light is too harsh and brassy, sort of like badly dyed blonde hair. White usually looks fine with most colors, but not with yellow light. I think cloudy winter days are the prettiest. I like the contrast between the snow and the sky and the peaceful feeling that brings. In fact, the best is when it is dark and it is snowing and you can see the snow sparkling under the street lights or in the moonlight. Cloudiness and night time go better with the snow. I know we need the sun in the winter and it does feel good, but don't try to tell me that it is so pretty. It's really not very attractive at all. You would never see me wearing yellow with white and I don't even like to look at yellow and white together. So there...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Portrait of a Lady with a Unicorn
Again with the literal names. I decided to try a post card size Master's copy today. We can do either 2.5x 3.5 inch or postcard size (4x6). I think postcard size lends itself better to this particular project. I've done masters copies in the tiny size before and they have turned out well, but I think I'm going to do more postcard sized this time. I got my first card in the mail yesterday and it is the larger size. I guess that's what inspired me to give it a shot. The painting this was based on is attributed to Raphael(although there is some doubt that he actually painted it). If it has a bit of a Mona Lisa quality to it, I guess that may be because he was a contemporary of Leonardo DaVinci. I did a tiny bit of research on him and discovered that he died when he was only 37. Considering that, it's rather impressive how large of a body of work he left behind. This painting is thought to be of a girl from a wealthy family who had recently been betrothed as the unicorn represents purity.
I may work on it more, adding some darks here or there or I may just leave it light and sketchy. I just want to keep it soft and I'm afraid of overworking it. As you can see, it is not an exact likeness or anything. The idea is just to base your drawings or paintings on the originals, not to do an exact replica. I know I said yesterday that I was going to do pictures of people reading, but then i checked out a bunch of art books last night and changed my mind.
Anyway, not much else to say. I'm just hanging out at home with the cats today.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I'm not bored...
I did a quick sketch this morning of Corot's "Woman Reading a Book." That is a very fitting title, I might add. A lot of paintings have literal names like that: Woman Walking a Dog, Boy Eating Cereal, Baby Spitting Up, etc. Those aren't real names by the way, but they could be. I have decided that I am going to have a theme for the ATC trade and that will be paintings of people reading. I have done a few that don't fit in that category, but the rest that I do will. I got a desk lamp for Christmas, so now it will be easier to do colored pencil drawings at night, so I think I will do mostly colored pencil work for the project. The lighting in my place has never been good for night time colored pencil work, but now it is.
Anyway, to explain my title, I will start by saying that I'm not bored. Sometimes when I'm stuck inside in the winter, I wish I could be doing something else, but I'm still not bored. I have a college aged co-worker who is on winter break at the moment and she keeps going on and on about how bored she is. That doesn't happen to me anymore. In fact, I wish we had 48 hour days. There is too much to do. There are way too many books to read (and people just keep writing more!), pictures to draw, things to learn, to do, to see, etc etc. I am not bored... Am I lucky that I feel this way?
Saturday, January 15, 2011
letter to the ants
Dear Ants,
Mi casa no es su casa. What do you think my place is? Your winter vacation home? If you're going to visit my apartment without an invitation, would you please stick to eating crumbs on the floor. Do not, under any circumstances, march up my table cloth onto my table and help yourself to the fruit in the fruit bowl. I'm not at all wealthy and apples are not cheap. I do not appreciate it when I pick one up, ready to bite into it's juicy goodness, only to discover that it is full of holes filled with your kind, having a snack. At least the box elder bugs have the decency to not burrow into the fruit. Yuck is all I can say. It's not only disgusting, but horrifying and sure to give me nightmares. Moreover, it is theft. If a person breaks into my apartment ands starts eating my apples, I will call the police. Who do I call when ants break in and take what is mine? Maybe it's time to take the law into my own hands and invest in some Taro. Yes, death may seem like a severe punishment for apple theft, but I have had enough of your lack of respect and it's time to take action.
Anti-ant Anne
Mi casa no es su casa. What do you think my place is? Your winter vacation home? If you're going to visit my apartment without an invitation, would you please stick to eating crumbs on the floor. Do not, under any circumstances, march up my table cloth onto my table and help yourself to the fruit in the fruit bowl. I'm not at all wealthy and apples are not cheap. I do not appreciate it when I pick one up, ready to bite into it's juicy goodness, only to discover that it is full of holes filled with your kind, having a snack. At least the box elder bugs have the decency to not burrow into the fruit. Yuck is all I can say. It's not only disgusting, but horrifying and sure to give me nightmares. Moreover, it is theft. If a person breaks into my apartment ands starts eating my apples, I will call the police. Who do I call when ants break in and take what is mine? Maybe it's time to take the law into my own hands and invest in some Taro. Yes, death may seem like a severe punishment for apple theft, but I have had enough of your lack of respect and it's time to take action.
Anti-ant Anne
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Just playing around with Zazzle
I know making ones own stamps is nothing new, but I found out you can do it at, so I just decided to play around with it. Considering that I only mail one envelope per month (my rent), I don't use very many stamps, but it would be fun to use designs of my own. If I have some printed, it would be hard to decide what image I want on them, but these are just a few examples of what I might use.
Edited to add that I have decided to have a sheet of these printed for my ATC trade since I need stamps anyway. I'm trying to decide which one of these to use. I may play around with more images, but for now, these are my options.
Edited again to add that people on Facebook have unanimously voted for red mittened guy, but I'm wondering if his colors make him look Christmasy? I only want wintery. Christmas is over.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Rosie Rhino again
So, I know I've drawn this particular pose countless times, but I wanted to try it on a different surface, that being Bristol vellum. I usually use Bristol smooth and I love Bristol smooth, but I just wanted to give this a try. The fact of the matter is, I have always had a bit of a prejudiced attitude toward Bristol vellum. Some experienced artists were talking about it online one day and were saying that it's worthless. I sort of agreed with them at the time, not having used it much, but then I drew a portrait on Bristol vellum. And despite the fact that it was very smeary, I really liked the portrait. In fact, I have to say it is one of my favorite portraits that I have done. So, I had to rethink Bristol vellum. Or I should say that I should have rethought Bristol vellum as I didn't really rethink it. I just continued to ignore it. But today I thought I'd like to try it again and I have to say that it really is suitable for pachyderms. It has more surface or more tooth than Bristol vellum, so it is easier to render rough wrinkly hide. I am really thinking that this may be the surface that I should use for my rhino illustrations.
So, along with my rough illustration, I am also going to post some rough writing. And i mean rough as it is a first draft that was written quickly, but I will post it because I keep losing the good stuff. I was inspired one day at work and I wrote some rhyme on a long, skinny piece of paper. This writing was really good and I told myself not to lose it. I kept it on my c.d. shelf in my bedroom for the longest time. It kept falling on the floor and I kept picking it up telling myself "you have to get this in the computer because one of these days it is going to disappear for good." Did I run to type it out just then? No, I did not and, in the end, I did lose it for good. And it was good. The one thing I do remember clearly about it is that I rhymed "elocution" and "revolution." I will make sure that I do that again.
Anyway, I will post the rough writing here. I will either try to improve it or scrap it entirely, but at least it is here, in cyberspace, so I will not lose it. Here it is:
When Rosie lost her fourth galosh,
After she had a good cry,
She decided that she would constantly pose
With her forth leg hidden from the eye.
How long did this charade continue?
How long did she live with this lie?
Well, she gave up the practice within minutes,
When Hornelius spied her bare hoof with his bad eye.
From there she fumed and she kicked and she growled.
She tossed her nubbed horn in the air.
With a temper more befitting a black rhino
Than a sweet white rhino with one hoof bare.
Obviously my illustration is her when she is posing with her one leg hidden from the eye, not when she as fuming and kicking and growling.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Paintings gone Awry
More often than not, when I try to paint with watercolors it all goes awry and I end up overdoing things and the painting becomes muddy. The top painting here is no exception. I didn't really work with the watercolors. I think I tried too hard to control them. I think with watercolors (which I really don't know much about), you can't fight with the medium. You have to go with the flow. This watercolor landscape was attempted from a step by step demonstration in a book. Sometimes I feel like I need to try step by step demonstrations, but it rarely works for me. I'm then too conscious of following the steps and I don't really "see." Drawing and painting is all about seeing and step by step sort of takes away from the big picture, I think. Anyway, this painting is not good, but that's o.k.. I tried. Practice always makes better. Maybe I'll try another watercolor landscape without the hindrance of step by step instructions. In my defense, I do have to say that the sky is o.k.. That's the one part that didn't become muddy.
And as for the abominable snow monster (acrylics), even though he's not abominable, he's not the best either. And I'm not saying this in a kick myself sort of way. I'm just being honest and pragmatic. He was actually painted on the day of our big snowstorm about a month ago (yes, I got inspired by the arctic whiteness outside my window. As annoying as the snowstorm was, it was also magical, as snow can be), but I never scanned him or thought about posting him until tonight. But since I decided to make this post about paintings gone awry, I thought I would include him. Even though I felt inspired at the time, he just didn't turn out in the way I envisioned. That happens sometimes. My abominable snow monster figure that I used for the painting is still standing on my dresser. I love him so much more than this painting. I think my main problem with the painting is my failure to render the fur well. I just haven't worked out a good way of doing fur in acrylics yet. It seems that I'm always painting pachyderms, so I haven't had a lot of fur practice. I do, however, like the way his arms and hands turned out. And I did capture the abominable snow monster attitude, I suppose;) I guess I can always find something slightly positive, even in the paintings that I'm not overly fond of.
I spent most of the day as a bit of a slug. I started things off in a productive way as I made bread and rearranged my book shelf in the morning, but I didn't do much after that. I've been head achy and stomach achy most of the day, but I'm not really sick--just experiencing a bit of malaise. It happens to us hearty types once in awhile.
In other news, I should mention that I like my new scanner. I don't seem to have to do as much color or brightness contrast adjustment as I did before. And that's all I have for you tonight. My general malaise and I are going to sign off and be slugs for the rest of the night. Blogging was too taxing for us.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
It's cold
It's cold outside and my hair is still wet. I am hoping that it will be mostly dry before I go outside. I don't like to go outside with wet hair. My rhinosnowman has no hair, so he doesn't have to worry about having wet hair outside. He is made of snow anyway, so he cold is to his benefit.
I almost forgot that I had signed up for an ATC trade that started on January 1st. Until this morning, I hadn't done an ATC in ages. For anyone who doesn't remember me talking about ATCs before, they are artist's trading cards and they measure just 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. Yes, they are teeny tiny. This ATC trade is an Old Master trade, meaning that we have to make ATCs that are copies of or inspired by Old Master's paintings. This morning, I started a copy of a close-up of the face of Venus from Boticelli's Birth of Venus. Unfortunately, all of my .5 mechanical pencils appear to be not working and I'm pretty sure I left my last good one up north. Mechanical pencils go awry quite easily. I can't advance the graphite in any of my .5s and I have a bunch of .7s that are having the same problem. I think they must get clogged up somehow, but I haven't figured out how to unclog them. I think they're meant to just be disposable.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Right Handed Faces
Hello. It's me again. I have just done a quick page of right handed sketches. These are a little better than the left handed sketches, but they were done quickly, so we still don't have perfect little faces here. It is much easier to draw with my dominant hand. I'm certainly not ambidextrous.
If you look closely, you might be able to see that I repeated a couple of the faces from the left handed exercise.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Left handed faces
So, as I promised, I am going to try to draw almost every day. Tonight's drawings are kind of crazy kooky looking as I drew them with my non dominant hand. It's amazing how difficult it is to draw with my left hand, yet I do like the faces' sort of deranged, expressive quality. I find that if I write letters with my left hand, they have to be upper case, otherwise it is way too confusing. I think it's because lower case letters have a lot more curves and it's more difficult, for some reason, to draw curves in the right direction with the non dominant hand than it is straight lines. I wonder why that is? I should mention that these were scanned with my new scanner! My carpet was dry in my computer desk area, so the desk is back in its place and everything is reconnected, including new scanner/printer (well, in its case, connected).
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Goodbye 2010
Happy New Year, everyone. I will start the year with one of my rhinosnowmen.
I wasn't overly fond of 2010 and even though I don't think a new year magically transforms the world at large or our place in it, I'm not sorry to see it go. So, goodbye 2010. So long. I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. Not that I think I'm perfect or anything, but I've always been a bit of contrarian, so if I'm going to resolve to do something it won't be on a day when people are just spouting out empty promises that they rarely stick to. And I think if a person actually wants to do something and they work hard it they will achieve some level of success (I don't mean success in the form of money, but success in achieving some level of what they set out to do that will give them some satisfaction). People are full of excuses, aren't they? I don't always do what I set out to do, but I know, for the most part, I don't have anybody to blame but myself if I don't stick to something. So, if I don't do something, I take responsibility. As much as I don't like resolutions, I think I've said it before, small goals, achievable goals, are something that I will partake in at times. I'm just not going to list them on January 1st as they may seem like a New Year's resolutions. Am I grouchy right now?;) No, not really. I just get annoyed with New Year's resolutions, that's all. Sue me. But if you do sue me, you will not get much money.
One of the goals that I've set recently (o.k., I will mention one that wasn't made on January 1st) is to get back into drawing several times per week. I used to draw just about every day and now whole weeks go by when I don't even pick up a pencil (true as in why would I use a pencil if I wasn't drawing--a pen maybe, but not a pencil). And I could make excuses like "oh I haven't been drawing because I haven't had a scanner, etc," but that wouldn't be true. I can still enjoy the process of drawing even if I'm not posting it on a blog, can't I? The truth is I haven't been drawing because I've been a bit lazy lately. And there's nothing wrong with being lazy once in awhile (I'm not of the mind that a person has to run run run), but when you have an activity that you love, you shouldn't let laziness interfere too much. And you might say, "but you've done paintings lately." Yes, I have, so I haven't been totally lazy even, but I just want to do some drawing now. As for the drawing I did today, I will not post it as I haven't hooked up my new scanner yet, due to flooding in the bedroom, but hopefully I will be posting all kinds of drawing in the days to come.
I made some delicious bread today. It is English muffin bread with corn meal. What I really wanted was corn bread, but I only have olive oil in my cupboard. While olive oil can be substituted for vegetable oil in some recipes, I'm thinking the flavor may be a bit too strong for corn bread. Anyway, I found a way to make a sort of cornbread in the bread machine. I added more corn meal and less flour to the recipe to make it more corn flavored and it turned out great.
Edited to add, I just noticed that I really need to update my Goodreads bookshelf. I finished "Outliers" and "Mockingjay" ages ago, although I suspect I will be working on "A Suitable Boy" for quite some time. The problem is when I'm reading a book that long, I need to take breaks from the long book and read books that I can actually finish quickly, so then it takes longer to finish the long book.
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