
Monday, March 8, 2010

skinny legged funny looking rhino

I wasn't going to post this guy because he is so skinny legged and funny looking and certainly not my best work, but then I remembered that this blog was never supposed to be about posting my best work, but just about posting stuff, flawed or not. So, here he is, skinny legs and all.

Today I'm having a sick day. I have a cold that is not all that terrible, but still a cold, nonetheless. The strange thing about this cold is that it is all in my throat and chest. I have no nasal dripping at all. It just went from a sore throat, to phlegm, to a cough. And I know I probably could have gone to work and it wouldn't have killed me, but why go when I'm feeling a bit rotten when that would just expose others to the bit of rottenness as well? I'll just stay home and feel a bit rotten. There's no harm in that.

I did go out earlier to get some soup at Noodles, but other than that, I've just been sitting on the couch. I just finished watching two episodes of Lost on and I'm just as confused as ever. The show makes no sense at all. Now I am contemplating doing an acrylics painting, but I think I will nap first. Maybe I'll be back later with another painting. We'll see what happens...


J Brand said...

i heart this rhino, skinny legs and all!

I hope you are feeling better and am glad to hear of decision to stay home and stay put on couch while feeling less than stellar. good plan. hope you got some additional art time as well as couch time today.

Janei said...

I love your skinny legged rhino...looks to be a little wobbly trying to hold up all that weight....kinda like me the morning after. Hope you are feeling better and am glad you stayed home today.