
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rhino in Boots

I hadn't drawn my favorite bootied rhino in quite awhile and just thought I would sketch her tonight. I think I will do this particular version in color tomorrow. I do want to, one of these days, start working on the book in which she will be featured as the main character. One of my problems is that she won't tell me her name. You may remember that I did a post about naming characters during my nanowrimo month. If my characters don't tell me their names, things can get awkward. One of the problems is that I don't want to use the name Rosie as that name is so associated with Rosie O'Donnell. It's almost like she has that name trademarked, at this point. My character looks like a Rosie, so that's a problem. Other "R" names just aren't very cute. There is Rita, Roma, Roberta, Raeanne, Roseanne, Reese, Renee, etc... None of those names are cute. What is a person to do when they need to give a cute character a cute "R" name and the only one that could suffice has been taken over by a larger than life celebrity? And that comment has nothing to do with her weight... My big question is, can a rhino character in a kids' book have a name that doesn't start with an "R"?

My mom noticed a typo in my last post, so now I'm paranoid about typos. Thanks Mom. I will still wish you a happy birthday as it is 11:24 and still your birthday.


Ruby said...

Does it have to be an R?

Ruby said...

Oh, and forgot to mentiont that I really liked 'Otters.'