
Friday, March 26, 2010

Running Rhino

So, I've pretty much decided that my rhino will be called Rosie. It's the only name that works. I really don't think she could be called anything else. She not only looks like a Rosie, but she also wears rose-colored boots, so the name just has to be. I know I said I would be back with a version of what I did last night in color, but that didn't happen. I just sketched another picture of her, this time running. If you've ever seen a baby rhino, you'll know that they like to run. They're little trotters. And yes, I know her boots are not actually rose colored in the sketch, but they are in my head.

Tomorrow I plan on doing both versions from the past two days in color. I wasn't home much today, so I just had a chance to sketch tonight. I feel the need to have a project. I sometimes think that I miss school, but I really don't. I hated the having to get up and go there and sit in a classroom all day or all evening long and listen to people talk. I do, however, miss the homework. So, I suppose that is what working on ideas for this book is--a sort of homework. It's not like I don't work on little things all the time, but this is a structured project. And it's not that I need a lot of structure in a broad sense, just my own sort of structure.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

I am glad that Rosie will be Rosie as I thnk you are right that she IS Rosie and so any other name would, well, it would be just Rong : )

I understand the concept of having projects and the balance between school projects and self-created projects. School can be wonderful and also most annoying.

Hope this Saturday finds you (and Rosie) happily working together on your colorization project.