
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I will not title this post "I Otter Draw some Otters" because it is corny and I already used it on my other drawing blog when I posted some otters. I see this title all the time as my other blog gets constantly spammed and spam comments then get sent to my e-mail for screening. For some reason, it is usually the "I Otter Draw some Otters" entry that gets spammed. It's annoying. These otters are not the cute sea otters that you see in photos, floating around on their backs with shell fish perched on their stomachs, but they're still cute but not quite as cute cousins, the river otters. I was going to paint this morning, but then thought "nah, I don't feel like dragging out my paints," so I opted for the much more relaxing option of scribbling with pencil. As I was scribbling, I was trying to catch up on "watching" Lost on the computer. I had two episodes to view, but only got to one because the second one was full of subtitles. Subtitles and drawing don't mix.

Now I must vacuum. Now that I have my new vacuum cleaner that I a pleasure to use, I think Wed. will be vacuuming day. Get ready cats! Your peaceful and happy day is about to come to an end. The dreaded vacuum monster is about to emerge from its shadows and mess with your feline lives.

p.s. I don't know what happened with my scan. Maybe the band of light came from the sun streaming in my window and spilling onto the scanner. I don't know. It's strange.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

well after seeing this lovely drawing I thought I otter comment. That line of sunshine is a strange artifact indeed. I hope you and your kitties survived the attack of the vacuum and that you all got to enjoy some of the warm sunny sunshine rays---the kind that cats just seem to love and, apparently, some of your otters do to---today.

That is strange about being spammed for otter words. otters. huh. maybe otter people are more prone to respond to spam than others?