This little pig is obviously lying. He never intended to go to market to buy the organic spam. He just stopped by his friend Myrtle's house to have a bit of roast beef and then had oh so much fun going wee wee wee wee wee all the way home. How could a pig buy a tin of spam with a clear conscience, organic or not, anyway? So, don't blame him for your lack of Spam in the pantry. Why are you sending a pig to run your errands anyway? If you want Spam, get it yourself.
So, here you have it--my sketch for the day. I started watching the HBO mini-series "John Adams," but had to stop because I started drawing the pig. I want to give the show my full attention because everyone I know that has seen it (Julia included) has loved it. So, I decided that I couldn't watch it while drawing pigs. I will get back to it in the next couple of days when I am not drawing pigs.
Spam, wonderful spam....
I heart the piggie and have also heard good things about John Adams on HBO although I've not seen it. Hope it was/is good---watching all of it is a commitment, yes?
I love your drawing of the little piggie. Did you get my email about us meeting a couple from Austin while down here in Cabo? He was wearing a SPAM cap so was easy to spot. Sad to say, we did have barbecued pork ribs at the owners cocktail party!
Let me know what you thought of the "John Adams" mini-series.
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