
Friday, January 1, 2010

Tenacious Tim

This is 2009's tenacious troll, Tim. He is determined to keep his job, but I say good riddance. He had more than enough time, but I suppose we can give him three cheers as his job is a tough one. So, three cheers for Tim and "goodbye." I would say he will be missed, but sometimes too much flattery is not a good thing. Trolls have a tendency to harbor large egos in their small bodies. Move away from the spotlight gracefully, Tim. It's time for a new troll to reign.


J Brand said...

oh for cute little troll! He can have 2009 as far as I'm concerned : ) here's to better things in 2010 Pronounced OH-TEN (hee hee not really)

Janei said...

I think I've seen tenacious Tim, the troll up north lately. Goodbye, Tim.