
Sunday, October 18, 2009

A portrait update and some sock monkeys (yes, you read that right)

Because one must always follow a portrait with some sock monkeys... One thing I like about the weekend drawing event is the wide range of photos that are offered. There is usually something for everyone. I generally choose the portraits of people or animals and others may go for landscapes, flowers, buildings, etc. and then there are the sock monkeys... Yes, sometimes something comes up that I would never in a million years think of drawing or painting, but then I see it there and just have to try it. Obviously that was the case here. These didn't turn out as colorful as I would have liked as the paper didn't seem to soak in the color of my water soluble ink pencils that well. On different paper, the color comes out very vibrant with minimal effort.

In non portrait, non sock monkey news, there has been a "for rent" sign outside my building for the past couple of weeks. Today I found out that the person above me must be the one that moved out as I could hear workers working away up there. Earlier today they were blasting very obnoxious music while I was dealing with a rare headache. Thanks so much dudes! I so appreciate how considerate you are while you are working in a building where people live. Now they're pounding stuff. Isn't it a bit late for pounding? There is also water running now. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she's still there and just had some noisy workers there earlier. Maybe she was playing the music for them. Who knows... The walking sounds kind of like her walking. She walks all the time, so I should know...

Today while I was out, I bought some peanut butter. I was out of peanut butter and was really craving it, so much so that when I opened it and discovered that the seal was already lifted up a bit, I still ate some. It looked and smelled fine and I'm still alive, as you can see. Yes, my craving for peanut butter was that intense that I just had to live life dangerously. Sometimes a little danger isn't all that dangerous.


J Brand said...

hope things quieted down for you and the sock monkeys last night and that you are not suffering any consequences from eating that dangerous peanut butter.

The sock monkeys are so cute and happy and fun. I heart them. Not all sock monkeys are that colorful!

Janei said...

I'd like a sock monkey....very cute. Very nice portrait also.

I hope you got a new neighbor after all that noise. You need some peace and quiet up above.

Anonymous said...

Love the sock monkeys! Made me smile.
Was the video of the woman "singing" reminding you of the music in the apt. above you? I did hear some pounding during the song...