
Monday, October 5, 2009

A sketch

I feel like blogging while I sit and wait for my clothes to dry, so I thought I would post this sketch that I started doing for the weekend drawing event a few weeks ago and never posted anywhere (I didn't like it all that much, but it is just a sketch, and not something I spent a lot of time on, so why not post it?). I would like to start another painting, but alas, I have to work today and I still have to fit in my exercise (not sweaty exercise, just pilates with weights that I have been doing every Monday and Tuesday before work), so no time for painting. Yes, I know I had all of yesterday off, but I sure wish I had today off too. *whine* I have to go to work soon which is unfortunate as I don't think I can stomach stupidity today.

So, how does one tell the difference between a hen and a rooster? Julia said that what I thought was a hen was a rooster. I thought it seemed to have a smaller comb and was not quite as showy, so I thought it was a hen. I wish people wouldn't label their photos with the word "chicken." Be more specific please. Let me know if it's a hen or a rooster. I didn't grow up on a farm, so I don't know unless the rooster is very obviously roostery. Some of them don't seem to be...

Oh where oh where is my stylus pen? I would like to try my hand at some digital art again, but I have not been able to find that pen. Even after cleaning... It's very annoying. The tablet is no good without its pen. And I'm just rambling now, so I'll shut up. I had thought of something that I wanted to blog about, but it went away. If I can think of it, I'll be back with an edit. Actually I don't think it was very important, so even if I think of it, I may not come back to bore you with the details. Right now I have to prepare myself for facing stupidity. At least I have chili to look forward to.

Edit: Don't you just hate it when you spend $1.50 to "dry" a load of clothes and when the dryer stops, they're not dry?


Janei said...

How do you tell the difference between a rooster and a hen, Julia?? I grew up on a farm and I still don't know. I know the rooster is more showy and has a bigger comb and waddle and crows a lot. The hen is more plain and likes to peck at your hand when you reach in to get an egg....they are mean.

Ruby said...

The way to tell the difference between a hen and a rooster is to marry Robert! When I went on the chicken coop tour I bought a lovely chickie vase to hold my (boo-hoo, now gone) zinnias, and Robert reminds me that it is a rooster. Tsk!

Sutpidity, what stupidity?

J Brand said...

i don't know the difference between roosters and hens and so no worries about accuracy from me ; )

Did you find your stylus? Did your clothes get dry? Did you survive stupid at work?

i like the sketch and am glad it is posted here.

hope you are enjoying the wet, cool, cloudy weather and that your apt. is not leaking with all this rain. I've got my sliding door open and am enjoying hearing the rain. i heart it.