
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is he floating?

No, he's not. I have the bench he is sitting on lightly sketched and the scanner, being the imperfect piece of equipment that it is, didn't want to pick that up. This is a weekend drawing event drawing and I have only spent about an hour on it so far, so I could technically work on one more hour before posting it there to stay within the two hour limit. As I was only working with a pencil with B graphite, it is not this dark. I just darkened it a bit with Photoshop, so you could see that he is sitting on a bench. But, I still think he looks a bit suspended in air and all I can say is that my scanner is a piece of crap. I can never present my drawings as they actually look in person (even when I doctor them in Photoshop). It takes away certain values (as in darks and lights) that I try hard to achieve. Anyway, moving onto the subject, I thought this guy had a very strange hairstyle (very flat on top, isn't it? Kind of Frankenstein's monsterish). As the host this week is European, maybe this style is all the rage in Europe. Who knows...

I have to work today, so I will not be sitting at home eating carrots all day long. I went to the farmer's market yesterday (in the snow, I might add)and became obsessed with the carrots that I bought. Unfortunately, the containers of carrots were very large and I asked if I could just have half, not because I was being cheap, but because I figured if I bought that many carrots, some would go to waste. Well, considering how many I ate yesterday, I don't think they would have. Now I wish I had more carrots. Unfortunately, next Saturday is the last farmer's market and I have to work, therefore, I will not be able to buy more carrots. *sniff* I didn't buy much yesterday as I got a late start and didn't have a chance to go the cash machine. But, in addition to the carrots, I got some potatoes and a huge bunch of cilantro. Now I will have to make more chili. I'll do that tonight, I think. I also had Indian food yesterday, so with the curry from that and all the carrots that I ate yesterday, I'm pretty sure that I have developed an orangey glow. Is it easy being orange? I'm not sure. I'll let you know when the day is over...


Janei said...

I understand your frustration with lousy scanners. I do like this sketch though and appreciate your posting it...he does have the Frankenstein do going on, doesn't he? Hey, it close to Halloween so he fits right in especially in Europe!

Sorry you couldn't get more carrots as there is nothing like fresh carrots to munch on. As far as turning orange....I ate a bunch of beets the other day and I think my insides are still reddish purple....they were darn good.

Ruby said...

You did have a nice orange glow today, and that was a fine looking carrot I saw you munching on.

Yes, your man looks like he's floating, but if you hadn't explained, I would have thought it was just purposeful artistry.