I was going through my camera's memory card and found some pictures that I took this summer and had forgotten about. I think this dragonfly looks fairly healthy and bright eyed for something that is a corpse.

I do plan on coming back with some art later on today. The challenge for the weekend drawing event is to work large, so I may do a large painting. We'll see... For now, I will just say that I am very happy that my heat has finally been turned on. It was getting a bit chilly in here.
Edited to add, in other news, my neighbor (a male person) has been coughing for about a week. Judging by the nature of the coughs (very loud and dramatic), he either has the swine flu or is just suffering from the male "I'm so sick" syndrome.
Oh, one more thing... I did also want to say that if anyone sent me e-mail a couple of days ago, my inbox was full. So, if you sent me anything, I'm not ignoring it, I just didn't get it. I actually even had an address verification message on my library card because the library tried to send me an e-mail that my book was in when my box was full. I found that amusing.
cool dragon fly pics--even if not living--very photogenic. i am glad you have heat. we got heat one week ago today and do think it would have been most chilly some nights without it. brrrrrr.....will look forward to some art later. Don't forget the Twins are playing at 5 p.m. : ) I know you won't want to miss that--just kidding. Happy painting/sketching/drawing/whatever your art heart desires. I just finished tinymovie so my creative impulses have been fed this morning. feels good. yes it does.
Neat dragonfly. Glad it was so cooperative for you!
Neat pictures. I've always been afraid of dragonflys...don't know why. Maybe it's something in my past that happened that I have blocked out.
I'm glad you have heat...it's darn chilly up nort' at night. Put on that Snuggie.
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