
Friday, February 20, 2009

Some new footage of Phoebe on the door.

Phoebe was on the door again about a week ago, so I filmed her. As you can see, she does some interesting acrobatics this time. The video itself is a bit boring though. Three or so minutes of a cat sitting atop a door can get a bit tedious by the end, despite some of the funny posing.


Janei said...

Hey Anne,
I loved it! PHoebe is a star. I've been having trouble getting in to your blog and also JB's but finally was able to view this video. Seems like PHoebe likes being on the mountain with the other cats (hanging on the door). She is doing some interesting steps on the catwalk. It's amazing that she likes to sit on such a narrow ledge...I know I couldn't. ;-)

J Brand said...

Hurray for Phoebe. I found this little flick to be quite meditative and soothing. Except when she showing her snow--that was a bit scary!

I loved the music and the video. hurray for cat climbers.

Janei said...

Hey Anne,

I got your comment on my blog for the Oscar Night post but after going in and changing it a bit, I lost it.

Hope you are doing well. I'm up nort' hibernating again....and craving pancakes.