
Sunday, February 15, 2009

The beginnings of some cows or "Cow Amputee"

I just have these beginnings of some cows. I don't even know if they will have an ending. They may just stay in the beginnings phase. I just started them a short time ago, but thought I should stop and attempt to go to bed. It's hard for me to go to bed. I like to stay up. But, I stayed up until 4:30 last night and have to work tomorrow, so I really should get some sleep. As much as I like sleep, it is a waste of time when I have things I would like to do. There are just not enough hours in the day to recite the ol' cliche. I do seem to be a bit sleepy though.

I suppose I should partake in my annual "I hate Valentine's Day" rant, but I think I'm too sleepy right now to care. I feel all benevolent (only because I'm tired) and am inclined to let people have their Valentine's Day if they want to, even though I have an issue with having a specific day set aside to show loved ones that you love them. Why do I need a stupid day for that? Can't I decide on my own to let people know that they are important to me? Oh, and who in the hell would want a diamond heart pendant, anyway? Frak them...

I finally have callouses on my fingers, so guitar playing is becoming easier. But now that I have callouses, I can't leave my fingertips alone. I have this urge to rub them, just like I have an urge to rub my tongue on the inner edges of my lower teeth. Damn you compulsions... I have always said that I need to write a song before I die and I have been playing at that, with not a lot of success. Really, how difficult can it be to write a song? I end up playing all of these minor chords and coming up with lyrics about mice in the pantry eating all the corn flakes and dying of bloat. Who wants to hear a song about that?

Now I really must go to bed. Goodnight my peeps. Oh, and speaking of peeps, I bought some heart shaped peeps last night and have been eating them this evening. Mmm, marshmallowy goodness...

Oh, one more thing before I lay (Is that the right tense? "Lies" and "lays" are difficult)down my sleepy head, here is the link to my book blog (yes, yet another blog)that I started about a month ago. I think it's time to update.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

i heart the amputee cows. i also heart your Valentine's day rants and am sorry to have missed it this year : )

Hope all went well at Brary yesterday and that you got some zzzzzs.

Looking forward to hearing more guitar playing in the future perhaps in another movie?

Keep on creating, sleeping when necessary....

Happy monday and Happy President's Day!