Saturday, February 28, 2009
Anne just spent about 2 hours making a video and went to fix something when she was pretty much done and her windows moviemaker froze up on her. Now Anne knows enough to save her work when she is creating something, but her brain was somewhere else and she didn't this time. Why why why? She still hasn't closed the moviemaker windown, but it seems pretty hopeless at this point. Why why why?
Friday, February 27, 2009
A lackluster drawing...
Here is a lackluster drawing from a lackluster day. Not that the day was horrible, but it did seem to lack some luster. However, I did like my day despite the lack of luster. What's so great about luster anyway? It is only a funny word.
This drawing was another old weekend drawing event castoff. I took it out and worked on it a bit more and decided it should have just stayed in the castoff pile. It did make me feel like I did something, at least.
I have not forgotten my promise of fabulous prizes. You guys are just too good at the "one of these things is not like the others" game. Who would have thought it was the pig? Just give me a little time and you'll get your prizes. I have a whole showroom to choose from, so it's a little difficult.
My living room smells of Thai food. Unfortunately, my take-out Thai food leaked a bit from its bag and got all over some of my guitar books, so now they have these ugly, greasy, orangeish stains and a food odor. So, I think from now on, when I play my guitar, I will think of Thai food and maybe my playing will take on an eastern flavor. We'll have to see. At least the food was delicious.
Edited because, to my horror, I typod "too" as "to."
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Page O' Sketches
Just so I don't completely forget how to draw while I'm pretending to be Segovia, I decided to do a page of quick sketches. This is probably about 10 minutes worth of sketching done with a ballpoint. Nothing too exciting, I'm afraid. But, one of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one? I have a studio filled with fabulous prizes for all that guess correctly.
And onto Ms. Segovia... Before work yesterday, she popped a guitar string. "Oh no, lamented Ms. Segovia. Now I can't make beautiful music." So, Ms. Segovia went to work and fretted and eventually decided that she wouldn't have supper, so she could go to the music store and, after work, cover her frets once more with pearly strings. Ms. Segovia has only re-strung half of her guitar at this point as stringing guitars is hard work. She had also forgotten how guitars don't like to stay in tune when they have new strings. Poor poor Ms. Segovia...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Some new footage of Phoebe on the door.
Phoebe was on the door again about a week ago, so I filmed her. As you can see, she does some interesting acrobatics this time. The video itself is a bit boring though. Three or so minutes of a cat sitting atop a door can get a bit tedious by the end, despite some of the funny posing.
Money money money!
Anne does the "my Federal tax return is in my account and now I'm rich" dance. Well, not really, but it is a big chunk of money. I am going to be responsible and save most of it and use some for bills, but I think I will go and treat myself to some art supplies and new guitar books today. Well, that and some spicy thai soup with tofu from Noodles...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Bucket O' Flowers, Anyone?
Well, I just found my flash drive and it was under the edge of the couch. I guess I just missed it the other 100 times I ran my hand under the edge. So, I am able to post my drawing. This is actually something I had started for a weekend drawing event long long ago and I just added to it last night. I didn't develop the flowers in the buckets much, but that's what they're supposed to be. I realize it looks more like he's holding two garbage cans full of garbage, but no, they are underdeveloped flowers. I think you guys know by now that I'm not much into drawing flowers. Figures yes, flowers no. I don't mind painting flowers, but drawing them is very tedious. Tedium in my artistic life is something I can do without. I get enough of that with my work life.
I was out having coffee at Barnes and Noble this afternoon. Unfortunately, they did not have your tea drink, jb, so I had to settle for a chai latte. It was good, but I really wanted to try the drink you have been raving about. Right now my guitar is calling me, so I must say "goodbye." I'm sure I will be back later. Oodles (my word for the day) of toodles for now.
I keep thinking that it's Friday and it's such a pleasant surprise to realize that it is only Thursday and that I still have another day off tomorrow.
I will post an old rhino since I can't find my flash drive...
I was going to post a new drawing, but I couldn't find my flash drive, so I couldn't. Usually, it has just been kicked under the edge of my couch, but I couldn't find it there tonight. Where are you my precious? It's not like I'm one of those people that carelessly loses their flash drive at the library. When I bring my flash drive out and about, I guard it with my life. Here I know it will turn up eventually, but I still do hate it when I can't find it.
As you can see, I'm posting a very old rhino. It is there, just so there is a picture with my blog. I don't know if you noticed, but I lost the random follower of my blog on President's Day. It's interesting that this person showed up on inauguration day and then left on President's Day. I think they just thought my blog entry about George Washington and his hippo teeth was too weird. So, be it... I actually feel a bit less pressured now.
Tomorrow I will find my flash drive (I'm too tired to dig right now) and post something new. I played my guitar for something like 3 hours today and unfortunately, even though playing music is something somewhat creative, I don't have anything to show for it here. Even though I enjoyed myself immensely, the music just disappeared into thin air as music tends to do. My fingertips are starting to peel.
Monday, February 16, 2009
George Washington should have drank more milk...
Happy President's Day to all! President's Day is such an exciting holiday. Don't you think? It's so exciting that I can't wait to go to work and hang out with all the little children that won't be at school today. I think most of us think of George Washington when we think of President's Day. Well, sometimes I think of Abe Lincoln, but usually it's George that pops into my head. That always gets me thinking about his teeth. When I was a kid, I learned that George Washington had wooden teeth, but I have since learned that that is false. The false teeth that he wore, it turns out, were made of hippopotamus tusks. I know this isn't false because I saw his false teeth in a book at the library. If you doubt this fact, you can come to the library and I will pull out the book and show you his teeth. This book will prove that the fact that his false teeth were made of hippopotamus teeth is not false. Unless the picture is false... But, I will not get into that. Anyway, we always hear that milk gives a body strong bones and teeth, so maybe if George had drank or drunk (whatever) more milk, a hippopotamus wouldn't have had to die...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The beginnings of some cows or "Cow Amputee"
I just have these beginnings of some cows. I don't even know if they will have an ending. They may just stay in the beginnings phase. I just started them a short time ago, but thought I should stop and attempt to go to bed. It's hard for me to go to bed. I like to stay up. But, I stayed up until 4:30 last night and have to work tomorrow, so I really should get some sleep. As much as I like sleep, it is a waste of time when I have things I would like to do. There are just not enough hours in the day to recite the ol' cliche. I do seem to be a bit sleepy though.
I suppose I should partake in my annual "I hate Valentine's Day" rant, but I think I'm too sleepy right now to care. I feel all benevolent (only because I'm tired) and am inclined to let people have their Valentine's Day if they want to, even though I have an issue with having a specific day set aside to show loved ones that you love them. Why do I need a stupid day for that? Can't I decide on my own to let people know that they are important to me? Oh, and who in the hell would want a diamond heart pendant, anyway? Frak them...
I finally have callouses on my fingers, so guitar playing is becoming easier. But now that I have callouses, I can't leave my fingertips alone. I have this urge to rub them, just like I have an urge to rub my tongue on the inner edges of my lower teeth. Damn you compulsions... I have always said that I need to write a song before I die and I have been playing at that, with not a lot of success. Really, how difficult can it be to write a song? I end up playing all of these minor chords and coming up with lyrics about mice in the pantry eating all the corn flakes and dying of bloat. Who wants to hear a song about that?
Now I really must go to bed. Goodnight my peeps. Oh, and speaking of peeps, I bought some heart shaped peeps last night and have been eating them this evening. Mmm, marshmallowy goodness...
Oh, one more thing before I lay (Is that the right tense? "Lies" and "lays" are difficult)down my sleepy head, here is the link to my book blog (yes, yet another blog)that I started about a month ago. I think it's time to update.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Howdy with Elephants
Just wanted to say "howdy" and post my drawing. I know it's elephants again, but I really needed to draw something last night that would relax me and elephants are always relaxing to draw. They seem so happy, so they make me happy.
Why did I need to relax? Because I hate my job. Yes, I'm saying that here in public. I don't give a shit. Seems that new manager is going to be worse than the old one. Just goes to prove that things can always get worse.
Anyway, enough whining. Sissy, I hope you're feeling better and that you're basking in the Mexican sun and looking for that Mexican Elvis. jb, I hope you're working on a new movie. I need some laughter here... Sorry, I made it about me again by saying I need some laughter. I really hope you're working on a movie because it gives you pleasure and satisfies that urge to create things:)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Rhino at the Beach
Hello again, my peeps. It is time for me to make a peep. Yes, forgive me again for I did not blog yesterday. It has been two (or has it been three?) days since my last blog post. I have still been drowning in laziness. It keeps pulling me under with its big toe. I'm trying to fight it, but with no luck tonight. I will have to see what I can do tomorrow. Today was a work day, so I have an excuse. Since I have been lazy, I have no new fruits of my labor or labor of my fruits--whatever. Instead, I have an oldie, but probably not such a goodie--something a bit strange, in fact. This is two drawings combined into one. The rhino was drawn on something called drafting film, which is kind of transparent, despite its milkiness. So, I stuck it over another drawing and scanned them together. The above drawing was the outcome.
In other news, I have, as already stated, been lazy. I sometimes enjoy lazy states. I've worked a total of two days in the last nine days and I certainly like that schedule. Also, while being lazy, tonight I was thinking about how much I heart podcasts, particularly the Fresh Air podcast from NPR. They are great for when I am cleaning (no, not my home, but the dentist's office). I always have liked the Fresh Air program, but the time it aired was not convenient for me, so it is great to be able to load it into my ipod and listen to it when I want to. Last night I listened to an episode that was a tribute to John Updike and it made me think about how I need to read some of his works. But right now I'm feeling much too lazy...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Making a peep
Hi,I'm here to make a peep. Since I woke up early due to three things making peeps today (clicking heels upstairs, a baby crying next door, and a cat playing hockey in my bathtub), I decided to make a video. I had started a video with this footage quite some time ago, but it did not have a direction. I completely scrapped that version and came up with this. Perhaps it had to do with all the creatures making peeps this morning, although I do have to say, their peep making was not beautiful. I was very happy to discover that the music downloading service that I have a subscription to, e-music, had the song I needed.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A Sketch
This sketch could actually describe my day. It was performed hastily, with no direction. It didn't particularly want to be done and it is goofy eyed and not quite right hatted. When one gets used to this life of leisure that includes sleeping on the couch, sipping soda, and sleeping on the couch some more, it is hard to let go and break the cycle, even when one is feeling so much better. Anyway, I promised a drawing, so I did get up for awhile to work on this, but now feel so much like my hat isn't sitting on my head right that I think I need to lie down again.
Oh, and on a positive note, I haven't heard the baby cry again. Thanks for commiserating with me earlier.
The post that contains no new drawing, but some whining instead...
So, it seems that there are new people moving in next door. Geez, couldn't the apartment remain vacant for at least a week? The bad thing is that there seems to be a baby among the new occupants and it has been crying already. Hey landlords, these are single unit apartments. They are not for families. Waaah, I don't want to have a baby next door. Bring back my old druggie door slammers!
A brief "hello" to my peeps
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Warning: yucky, pink bodily fluids post...,
I witnessed a little girl throwing up in the rotunda at work on Tuesday. Now I'm throwing up. Could there be a connection? I woke up feeling quite queasy this morning and was not at all happy about that fact. I got up and got ready for work anyway, thinking that I would start to feel better. But nope, I didn't start to feel better. So, I called in sick and went back to bed. I just got up about 45 minutes ago, feeling even queasier, so I sipped two tablespoons of Pepto Bismol. This turned out to be a bad idea as it immediately caused the mouth to start watering and the stomach heaving. I ran to the bathroom, but didn't even have time to lift the toilet seat. Pink vomit went spewing everywhere: on top of the toilet seat, on the floor next to the bathtub, on the shower curtain, and in the bathtub. I thought Pepto Bismol was supposed to take away the queasiness, not enhance it... How has your morning been?
One more thing: I just went in to change the time zone in my settings as I have been meaning to do for ages, and discovered that I still had the word verification thing activated. Sorry about that! I thought I had deactivated it. I always grumble when I have to type a word verification and here I still had it on my blog...
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