Excuse me blog followers for I have sinned. It has been six days since my last blog post. To use a very cliched cliche, my how the time flies. I have done this one small drawing of two elephant pairs, so there has been a tiny bit of productivity,but not muchc. Now, this is something you would not see in the wild as the elephants on the left are African elephants and the elephants on the right are Asian elephants. Just pretend there is land between them. Or you could also say they have set aside their differences and have crossed continents to become friends. Whatever you want to think is fine.
Last night while I was at my friend's house for movie night, I discovered that she had a new guitar. I told her I used to play, so she said: "I'll play something for you and then you can play something for me." We did that and I discovered I was way more rusty than I thought I would be. So, when I got home, I dusted off my guitar (I'm sure it's been about 6 years since the thing has been out of its case) and I played for an hour and then I woke up this morning and I played again. I'm still feeling quite rusty, but things are starting to loosen up a bit. I almost feel like taking a sick day, so I can play some more, but I'll be a good girl and go to work. Anyway, my friend and I talked about playing together which I'm all excited about as I've never played with anyone before. I've always been a solitary guitar kind of girl, but I think this should be fun. We also discussed Nabokov and how brilliant we think his writing is and how amazing Lolita is,despite its disturbing subject matter and now I want to read some more Nabokov. All in all, it felt like a night in the college dorm, and it was so much fun... I feel excited about life today.
I heart the rhino drawing. I will think of it as a metaphor for the impending World Peace that is sure to occur now that we have a new President.....Rhinos from all over the world will come together and see that they have more in common than not and they will have summit meetings and share ideas about how to make the world better for all rhinos....
Hey great awesome about the guitar. I understand how you feel. Although I've never read Nabakov, I get the idea of how that discussion must feel...
Yesterday must have been an inspiring day kind of day. I discovered IMovie on my Mac and got so involved in it that all I want to do is make "movies" It is good to be alive when one can indulge in creative endeavors. Hurray for you and hurray for me.
Of course, making Barry Manilow Backed Circus peanut Movie clips are not exactly on the same level as Nabakov : )
I love your new drawing...I've missed you. Such a nice thought....elephants coming together to trumpet their thoughts to one another....there is hope.
What a great day you had with your friend. I'd love to hear you play sometime...my granddaughter plays, sings and writes her own music. I envy you for being so creative....first an artist and now a guitar artist as well. Glad you had such a good day. Life is good.
I sent you an email today of some elephants and in the middle is a baby rhino with elephant tusks....maybe they are better friends than we know....
Just saw this on Prissy's blog under Useless Knowledge....you probably already saw it:
Elephants sleep only 2 hours a day and can remain standing after they die.
That is unbelievable! I could never be an elephant.
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