
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just a rhinoceros beetle

Did you know you can buy rhinoceros beetles on e-bay? I found this out quite some time ago and thought it would be neat to have one, but then wondered if I really needed a dead bug. The answer was "no." I didn't really need a dead bug, even if it was displayed in a neat, little, plastic case. It's not a real rhinoceros anyway. Just a beetle, and not even one that can sing or play guitar or drums.

I tried to draw today, but my efforts were dismal. Dismal drawings abound lately. I think I need to change mediums for a spell in order to get out of this slump. Maybe a large, acrylics painting with the paint applied disorderly. I'm sick of doing orderly little pencil drawings.

I have still been playing guitar like crazy. In fact, I have blisters on the tips of three of the fingers on my left hand. You have to go through the blister stage before you get to the callous stage. Once you get the callouses, then you're good to go... Unfortunately I can't find my microphone, or I'd play a song for you guys. Or maybe it's best that I can't find my microphone;)

One more thing before I get up and boogie (yes, I just said that and I'm not really going to boogie, just exercise): I got my diploma in the mail. It says that Anne Marie Peterson has her masters of something or other. I paid a lot of money and put in many of hours of work for that damn piece of paper.


J Brand said...

Congratulations Anne Marie Peterson on obtaining such a very expensive piece of paper and for not obtaining a rhino beetle. I think you should wait until you can get a real rhino on ebay. Although this beetle is quite intriguing to look at on screen I do not believe I would want one lurking around my house. Glad to hear that you are guitar playing and I wish you could record and play some tunes for us on the blog. That would be awesome. Good luck with the callousing over stage--hope it is not too painful. I think I might get some IMovie blisters this week as well.

Janei said...

I'd love to hear you sing and play your guitar...try to find the microphone and do a video for would be neat to see.

Congrats on getting your put a lot of time, hard work and money into your degree. I'd be so proud of it.

That rhinoceros beetles looks just plain mean...I'd hate to get stuck be it. I like rhinos but not this guy.

Sorry you aren't feeling like drawing lately cause I really enjoy seeing them...any kind of painting will do.