
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bringing in the New Year with some Rhinos.

Sorry I have been away for so long. First the holidays got in the way (I was up north with my family all last week), then I got home and went to a party on Saturday and it was back to work on Sunday (oh joy!). It has taken until today (my day off) for me to finally start feeling a bit of normalcy. Hope everyone had good holidays. jb, it was funny to see that you took a trip to Austin, MN while I was making my cartoon about piggies that went to Austin. I guess it just goes back to the whole great minds think alike thing. Anyway, before I digress too much, I will explain my blog title. As you all know by now, I heart drawing rhinos, but what you don't know is that I have a family member of a younger generation that also likes to draw rhinos. This was her quote on New Year's Eve: "Auntie Anne, let's draw rhinos until the new year." We didn't, in fact draw rhinos for all the hours up to the new year (as she said this at about 6:00 PM, that would have been 6 hours of rhino drawing which is a but excessive for even the most die hard rhino artist), but we did spend about an hour drawing the great horned beasts. I have included here one of my pieces of rhino art and one drawn by Sarah. Sarah actually is a great young artist and has been voted student of the month 2 times for being the most creative which makes her auntie very very proud.

Hmm, there seems to be an issue with the uploader. As a member of blogger for the past few years without having very many problems with it, I'm a bit scared it's going the way of yahoo 360. I will be back to post my images later.


J Brand said...

Hey, good to see you back. Sounds like a fun New Years Eve drawing rhinos and so wonderful to hear your niece is following in your creative footsteps. Hope you find luck with blog postings here in future. I've not had trouble yet except for losing a comment here and there which I suspect might be operator error.

Janei said...

Hey Anne,

Good to see you back blogging. I've missed you. Your pictures made me smile....I can just imagine you and your niece sitting at the table doing your drawings. You must be very proud of her following in your footsteps.

I hope things have calmed down a bit for you...the holidays are always so hectic.

How DID you get that walking frog on your blog?

Janei said...

Hey Again,

I found the walking frog under the fun gadgets to add to your blog. Neat.