
Friday, October 8, 2010

I would like autumn back

I know, I know, I suppose I shouldn't complain. Soon we'll be blanketed in a foot of snow, but we had so much hot weather this summer that I did not want to see temps. higher than the 70s for quite some time. I like cool, wet (but not too wet) days in October with gray skies and clouds that make the leaves even brighter. I'm sure everyone is going on about "what a nice day it is today." I'm glad I wasn't at work today to hear it. As if it's been ages since we've had "nice" days. It's not like it's April when warmer temps. are a novelty. It's been warm all summer.

Anyway, on another note, I'm going out this evening, but I'm hoping to to do some painting when I get home. If not, I'll get to that tomorrow. For now, here's a painting that I did last week on a page of my new little tablet of paper for acrylics. I should have made the rhino a bit smaller or cropped some of her rear half, so her head wouldn't be so close to the edge of the paper. Not the best composition in the world, but I like the painting itself.

And weather fairies, I would like temps. in the 60s and 70s again. Thank you.

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