Yes, long time no blog. This is just an old rhino drawing to illustrate the fact that I've been doing lots of reading lately and not much drawing. I still have the heat of summer blahs and just have not been feeling like doing things that take much of an effort. As much as I love drawing, it does take an effort to get into it. Today I am staying at my friend's house with her dogs and it is nice and cool in here. I once again feel like myself. I have an air-conditioner and it does a good job at taking the humidity out of the air, but with the type of heat we've been having, my apartment's mercury hovers at about 80 degrees. 80 degrees is not ideal for making an effort of any sort. And as for exercise which tends to give me energy to make an effort, I did yoga the other night and I was sweating like a pig (yeah, I know pigs really don't sweat that much) when I was done. And this yoga workout doesn't even usually make me sweat, but only mist a bit. I haven't even bothered to attempt aerobics in the past two weeks.
Using my friend's internet connection really brings home the fact that there is something wrong with my high speed connection. When I download an hour long show, it takes 5 hours. It took 15 minutes to download it here.
One of the dogs keeps wanting to go outside to play fetch. It's too hot for fetch, I think.
good to have you and the rhino back in the blogosphere. I do understand the blahs. this weather will bring out blahs of all sorts and kinds. it is too $#(*)$U( hot yes. there. I said it. sorry to hear that your internet connection is slow---that is a bummer--
keep cool. fall will come. sometime in the weeks ahead.
I hear ya about having the summer blahs. This heat can certainly do that to a person. I haven't felt like blogging either. I'm looking forward to the cool fall temps. I'm glad you could cool down at a friends place and forget about the exercise until you won't get heat exhaustion from it.
I have MUCH slower internet speed up here at the cabin and it drives me crazy sometimes so I can relate. Ack!
I enjoyed the thunder and lightning last night up here and it is a bit cooler today so that's a very good thing!
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