
Thursday, July 8, 2010

white board monsters

I drew these monsters on our white board at work. I asked my co-worker and friend to take a photo of them today, so I could keep them in my file. That's the thing about white board art. If you don't photograph it, it's just gone for good. I was pretty happy with these guys, so I did want to save them and share them. Yes, there are horrors at the library, especially in the summer. I crossed out the name of the library, just because...

Otherwise, I don't have much to say tonight. I was up until 4 AM on Tuesday night and slept late yesterday, therefore, I was not tired when I went to bed last night. I think it was coming up on 3:00 before I finally dozed off. Tonight I should sleep well.

1 comment:

Janei said...

I heart your monster drawings...especially the Bride of Frankenstein. I'm glad you took a picture so we could see it on the blog. Yes, I'm sure there is a lot of horror going on at the brary.