
Friday, June 4, 2010

cross-eyed gorilla

Yes, my gorilla is a bit cross-eyed or as the British would say, boss-eyed (I don't know why). It's o.k. that he is a bit boss-eyed, I think. I'll accept him that way. I spent a chunk of the afternoon working on him and didn't notice that his eyes were a bit off until after I scanned him. That's often how it goes. Drawing is all about creating an illusion on paper and sometimes one's eyes create an illusion and think that things are o.k. until one looks at it from a different perspective. I was hanging over the drawing, just inches away, because one of my glasses screws fell out, so I was drawing sans glasses. It's an easy fix. I just need to take them in or get a screw and fix them myself. I just haven't done that yet. They stay on fine if I'm not tilting my head downward. Most people think you should draw with the paper upright anyway, but I always draw on my lap. I think it's easier to get things right when you draw upright. Maybe I should use my drawing board or easel, at least until my glasses are fixed. Maybe if I do that, I'll never go back to lap drawing.

One of my neighbors was ringing my doorbell at 10:00 this morning. I was still in my pajamas and ignored it for awhile, but eventually went to check outside. When I checked, I didn't see anyone. About an hour later, the bell rang again. This time he was out there. I felt bad as he wasn't associated with the usual doorbell ringer suspects. He had just forgotten his key for the outside door. He ended up sitting outside for that hour. That's what happens though--there's someone that abuses a situation and then screws things up for other people. It's the whole boy that cried wolf thing. Too bad...

Oh, I might add that this is my first Friday without stretching class. As I mentioned in an earlier post, stretching class is on hiatus for the summer. And as I said before, I guess stretching is not a summer activity. I think I need to dust off one of my yoga tapes and do some stretching on my own when I'm done here, especially since my neck is now a bit stiff from having to dangle over the cross-eyed gorilla. O.K., time to sign off and stretch...


Janei said...

Hey Anne,
I don't think your gorilla looks least from my point of view. I really like this drawing. All of my glasses need to be fixed. I have about 10 pairs of "cheaters" laying around the cabin (don't ask why I have that many) and they all are a little "cock-eyed". My good glasses also look like they are tilted when I wear them. I need to get in to the eye doctor again but am waiting until I'm totally done with Shingles in case my eyes have been damaged from it.

Maybe if you tilt your head from side to side while sitting at the computer it will help with your stiff neck. That's what I do.

Sorry about that darn neighbor ringing your doorbell. It's so irritating. Too bad some people have to ruin it for everyone.

Ruby said...

I was back on the eggplant commenting, as eye-glasses gorilla didn't come up the first time. He looks very sensitive.

My neck has been painful a lot lately, I think from the heavy load at work.

Anonymous said...

Wow, he looks so real!