
Friday, April 23, 2010

Ricardo Rhino in his Blue Galoshes

Yes, this is not Rosie, but another rhino that she encounters that has stolen her look! She's none too happy, even if his galoshes are blue. There is only one rhino that should be wearing galoshes! I should mention that Rosie is a white rhino and this rhino is a black rhino. Did you catch that?

This is one of two drawings that I did tonight. I'm thinking of doing both of them in color of some sort tomorrow, so be on the look out. Although, considering my track record lately, I may not follow through on that. I have been rather lazy--either reading or planting virtual crops and not drawing. So, I have had nothing to show for the labors of my free time. I love reading and I certainly don't consider it a waste of time, but it leaves me with no pictures to post. Planting virtual crops, on the other hand, is a waste of time, but everybody needs an activity or two that is a waste of time. We can't be on our game all of the time. And speaking of drawing, there were some photos posted for the weekend drawing event this week that really spoke to me, so you may see a drawing or two that isn't a rhino by the end of the weekend. Maybe even a painting...

Other than all of this, is there anything new? I don't know. Let me just try to get back into posting regularly and see what happens.

The noisy children are visiting upstairs again. I'm sort of starting to wonder if there's some sort of pattern. Maybe every other weekend? Is this some sort of visitation rights thing? If so, I'm not happy about it. It's not the childrens' fault that their parents let them run around until 2:00 AM (yes, 2:00 AM and I'm not exaggerating, as I sometimes tend to do), but I still think they need a serious time out.

It was so good to see jb on Wed.! I was happy to look at her great photos and try to help her with some Photoshop stuff. It really made me think I need to update my skills. I have forgotten so much. I do have to say, I was very glad when the library patron left our table and we could speak without having someone that reminded me of work. Too bad those library patrons seem to be sort of all over the place. At least it wasn't a certain library patron that seems to show up everywhere...

1 comment:

J Brand said...

Hey Ricardo---cute fella he is : ) Good to see you drawing again. I heart the rhinos--and Ricardo is especially adorable.

Forgot to add in previous comment on future post that I hope that your kitties really are not trying to kill you and that your shoulder has recovered from their attempt to do so!