
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Have no fear, Anne is still here...and with rhinos

Yes, I am still here and I have more rhinos! I may have been missing from the blogsphere (I can't believe that blogger spell check still doesn't recognize the word "blogosphere." What century is it living in? The pre-1990's 20th?), but I was still working on stuff. Here are two sketches and some text. If you can't read the text, it's not important. It was just me playing around with ideas. These are two potential characters for the book. I do have to say that Hornelius is definitely a character, but un-named beret guy is just a possibility.

So, I should probably ask, how is everybody? I am quite well (or is it good?). Grammar is not my first priority when I'm blogging. I'm kind of a stream of consciousness type blogger. Why am I well or good? Well, because tomorrow I don't have to work. Any non work day is a good day as far as I'm concerned. Today I did work and it wasn't all that bad, I do have to say.

In other news or in other ponderings, why doesn't money grow on trees? I so want an iPad, despite the unfortunate name (the word "pad" really has unpleasant connotations). I used to be way ahead of the game as far as technology goes. Now I can't afford to keep up. I hate that. I guess I will just have to play with my imaginary iPad. Wow, it's so small and light that I can't even see it or feel it! Amazing!


J Brand said...

Hey I heart the two rhinos and although I cannot read the text I am most happy to see that text and characters are being developed. I am also happy that you are doing well or good or both and am glad that you had a day off from work.

Far as that unfortunately named IPad, well, yes, indeed it is a very exciting development in the world of tech. We've got an ITouch and although we loved it when we got it have found the screen to be a bit tiny for doing much on the Internet. The IPad seems to have addressed that issue and I think it would be an awesome addition to any techies tools. Perhaps the price will come down in time and we can all be IPadding affordably in the future.

Hope you have a good post-Easter Monday. bet the breakroom will be full of post-easter treats today. enjoy.

Janei said...

LOL, I thought the same thing when I heard it was going to be called IPad. Brings back bad memories of being a young 10 year old (yes, I said 10 year old) and being horrified while Mother tried to explain the facts of life to me. Oh well, that was long ago and far another universe I think.

I like the idea of your developing characters and text for a book. I would buy it fer sure.

Hope you had a nice Easter and are enjoying the sunshine today (I'm up nort').