
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's still snowing, I think...

No babies woke me up at 4:30 AM this morning, but I think it's still snowing (I haven't actually looked out the window yet, so I'm not sure). I can handle the snow much better when I'm not so sleep deprived. I did hear a baby at about 8:00, but that was fine. When they were leaving the apartment he was chattering about the door. This particular little guy is a talking baby. I think talking babies are a bit easier to deal with because they don't cry quite as much. And I have nothing against babies, I just don't like when random babies that I have no connection with, wake me up at 4:30 AM and cause me to have a miserable day, especially when the woman that lives where the baby was staying couldn't even bother to thank me for the envelope. That's all...

As promised, I do have a drawing to post. It's funny that my drawing is of a little girl that is barely past babyhood. This was for the weekend drawing event, but I didn't post it at wetcanvas, so I will at least post it here. It's kind of a funny pose as she's being carried, but I haven't spent much time on it, so I haven't added the shoulder that she is resting on. I probably won't spend more time on the drawing as I used a bad eraser by the eye and now the paper is a bit flawed. Beware of bad erasers. They will always mess something up. If you want to erase, you should always get up and search for a good eraser, rather than taking the easy way out and hoping for the best with the bad eraser. That's my advice for the day.

1 comment:

J Brand said...

very nice drawing. glad the baby issue is at bay. the snow has stopped now but there surely is a lot of it piled up out there. harumph on snow and noisy babies and ungrateful envelope asking neighbors.

But, if I am not mistaken, today might be your day off and I hope that you are enjoying it in whatever way you see fit!