
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just popping in to say "hi"

I haven't been around since Sunday, so just thought I'd pop in to say "hi," just as the title says. So, "hi." I have been working on a Christmas present this week and it has been a frustrating experience. I started with one drawing earlier this week and then started over yesterday. I thought that the new drawing was looking good, but then I scanned it and could see the mistakes. I may have to start over again. I hate starting over! Anyway, I can't post it here, just in case the recipient pops in and sees it. Just so I have some sort of illustration for this post, here is a drawing from my rhino sketch book. I don't know why I cut off her speech bubble. She is saying "Calgon, take me away." That is how I feel this morning as I really really do not feel like going to work. It is cold and I am tired and I really would like to stay home and continue to be frustrated by my drawing. Adios for now.


J Brand said...

nice rhino glad you popped in to say hi sorry you had to work it would be a nice day for drawing! Hope your gift creating goes well.

Ruby said...

Flowers have character! Tsk. Very nice flower painting, despite the artist's worry.

Janei said...

I'm with the rhino...Calgon take me away...anywhere except where I'm at right now!