I'm going to have to spend the week writing until I'm blue in the face. As you can see, my scribe that I posted as a black and white drawing awhile back, has become blue all over. If I had to write by hand, I would be blue too. I don't think it would be possible to write 50,000 word in a month with a pen. One's hand would fall off. So, I have to say, especially since it is Thanksgiving week, I am thankful for my computer. At this point, even though I do like my characters, I have strayed so far off course, and everything is such a huge mess, I feel like not taking the story seriously anymore. I may just have aliens or giant rabbits invade the town, at this point. I don't care. I just want to finish. I do have 41,789 word now, so I'm getting there...
I haven't done any drawing in the past couple of days. I only have had time for writing and reading. I have to keep reading as I feel like it helps my writing, but it's not enough to save my story at this point. Right now I just have to think about getting ready for work. At least I can go to work today, knowing that I will then have three days off in a row. 3 whole days! That doesn't happen very often.
So happy for you have 3 days in a row off work. That is really something to be thankful for!
I know you will reach your goal of 50,000 words. More power to you. I could never do it.
Have a happy turkey day!
Keep on keeping on with that writing! I heart your blue picture and hope that your writing does not leave you blue in the face.
Enjoy your vacation from work. 3 days off is a nice break and you deserve it that's for sure!
Have a great Thanksgiving! If you try the Franken Food Recipe let me know what you think.
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