Rosa Rhino is one of the sumatran rhinos at the rhino sanctuary. Of all the rhinos there, I think she is my favorite. I believe she was living in the wild, but was very friendly and not afraid of people at all, so she was brought to the sanctuary so she would be safe, or safer, I should say. She supposedly is a very "talkative" rhino and likes to make lots of noise when she is wallowing in the mud.
Unfortunately, as I have been busy writing, I only had time to do a quick sketch, so couldn't do her justice. I will have to do a proper drawing of her sometime. I don't want to completely neglect my drawing during my nanowrimo (I'm too lazy to capitalize the proper letters)project, so I will probably be doing more of these quick sketches with my purple pen. I heart my purple pen. Harold has a purple crayon and Anne has a purple pen.
And how is my writing going, you may be wondering? Well, on the first night I wrote about 1500 words, then before work yesterday 2075, and now this morning, 1432. I probably would have written more this morning, but I kept getting interrupted by phone calls. So, it's pretty close to 5000, which is half of 10,000 and when I'm at 10,000, I will be a fifth of the way there. Does that seem doable? We'll have to see. I won't beat myself up if I quit, but I'm going to try to finish. And remember, this is all about quantity, rather than quality. But how is the quality Anne? Well, I have come up with a few ideas and paragraphs that I like, so I guess that's something. It is really hard not to go back and edit.
Edited to add (because here I can edit), I now have gone past the 5000 word mark. I just wanted to get there before heading off to work...
Go Anne! Sketching, writing, you are prolific indeed. Keep up the good work and keep those fingers and that purple pen flowing!
Go Anne! Go Anne! Go Anne!
that was three cheers for Anne, her purple pen and her fast typing fingers. NaNoWriMo, Day 3!
Way to go! Keep those flying fingers typing away and drawing away. I know you can do it!
how goes Day 4?
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