
Sunday, November 15, 2009

November Spawned a Monster

Well, not really. The photo was not taken in November, but I am finally posting it in November. It is from my summer trip to the Arboretum. And the title comes from a Morrissey song. It just sounded good and I don't think November has been particularly monstrous, really. Well, maybe it has spawned a monster of laziness and writer's block in the past few days. I will say it is the mid November and mid NaNoWriMo monster. I am determined to finish despite the crappy writing and lack of enthusiasm. I didn't write again yesterday. I will write today, but I'm putting it off as long as possible. Maybe it will get better this week. The NanoWriMo people seem to think that the second week is the hardest. We'll see...

I don't have anything that I have to do today other than taking a trip to the grocery store to buy some cat food, so I have ample time to do my writing and hopefully a painting as well. I bought a new tube of violet paint last night, so I am excited about that. My violet paint tube has been almost empty for a long time, so I haven't been able to include much of it in my paintings. I like using violet. I often use it instead of black. So, I'm hoping that having ample (obviously the word for the day) violet will give me the inspiration that I need. I think I'm going to try an exercise from a book that I have. As much as I like to just jump in and do things without reading the directions, I think a little direction could help my painting.

I think November has also spawned a monster of boring blog posts. I'm sorry--I just can't help it--the monster is making me do it. I keep writing and rambling and I'm making me snooze. Blah blah blah NaNoWriMo. Violet paint blah blah. Please stop reading. Better yet, I'll stop writing...


Janei said...

Sorry you are having writer's block. I'm looking forward to more paintings now that you have your violet paint though.

I like your picture of the Green Monster...I didn't see that when I was out at the Arboretum. Reminds me of the Loch Ness Monster.

J Brand said...

Hey, so how did the Sunday writing go? Glad you got new paint too! I don't think your post is boring at all---I heart rambling posts---I find them most amusing! Kevin Kling talked about finding the greatness in mundaness and I think he's on to something--there is a lot of mundane and why not make the best of it?

Hope the writing block has unblocked and the words are flowing!