
Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Weekend Drawing Event drawing...

Hi everyone. I did do two drawings for the weekend drawing event this weekend and this is the one I just finished. I spent the whole two hours on him. I'm sure I've mentioned before that for the weekend drawing event, you can only spend up to two hours on a work before you post it. He was fairly easy to draw--much easier than the portrait that I did earlier that I may not even post here.

And just to make my mom happy again, I will let her know that I did vacuum today. I know she always likes to hear that I did a bit of cleaning and am not spending all of my spare time drawing.

Tomorrow I have to work, so I had to get the drawing in today. I drank a Dr. Pepper with my dinner at about 7:30 this evening. I hope it doesn't keep me awake. I usually can drink soda in the evening without and adverse effects, but sometimes it does affect me. Anyway, I don't have anything interesting to say tonight, so I'll keep this short (or is it already long on account of the rambling?). One more thing... Yes, it was a nice day today, but it was a little warmer than I would have liked. I just can't seem to get this apartment cooled down. It is 80 in here right now and I do not want to run the air-conditioner. I need a breezy, 60 degree day without any sun to cool this place down.


J Brand said...

how's the weather down there today? 40 degrees up here on the North Shore---guess that's fall weather up here! I love it though. It's such a nice change.

Janei said...

Very nice drawing...he looks kind.

I need some of that warmth in our cabin this's a bit chilly but I do love the crisp morning air.