
Friday, September 25, 2009

Morning snooze... (with edits)

They were very active and disruptive early this morning. Now they are sleepy.

Edited several hours later to say that I did do a new painting today, but I can't post it as it's oil. I tried photographing it, but the non-flash one was too blurry and the flash one was too glarey. I'll have to wait a few days until I can scan it.
Right now I'm contemplating the idea of going out for that pumpkin latte.

Edited again to add that I'm finally sipping my wild pumpkin latte from Caribou. I had discipline and I waited until fall-like weather arrived and it tastes even better than I had anticipated. Yay fall! Oh, and it cost me nothing as I had some money left on a Caribou card.


Janei said...

LOL Cute picture.

J Brand said...

Very cute indeed.
Is it pumpkin latte day?

Anne said...

It is pumpkin latte day, but I am still in my pajamas. I just finished painting. Am contemplating getting out of the pajamas and going out to get the latte. Too bad they don't deliver.

J Brand said...

I had pumpkin latte today too! Skipped the wild though and just went with tame pumpkin. very tasty and very appropriate beverage for this fine fall day.
i heart the rain. fall and rain and pumpkin lattes = happiness