I spent an hour with a pencil last night and this is what I came up with. It felt good to hold a pencil again and just scribble after two weeks of splashing paint. This was for the weekend drawing event, but I don't think I'll post it there as I won't have time to comment on everyone's work at this point. I have very little time on Mondays and Tuesdays and on Wednesday I have to go to a silly time card training for work. So, no time for commenting...
I love that it feels slightly more fallish today. Although, looking ahead, at the extended forecast, it seems that temperatures are going to drop and then rise again. I feel like this weather is like a fever that just won't break. It seems unhealthy. I know a lot of people love it, but they've already had four months of summer. I wish they would stop being so selfish by wishing for an extended summer and let me have my beloved fall. I have this fear that it's going to go right from summer to winter this year. One day it will be 85 degrees and the next, 32 and snowing...
In library news, Banned Book Weeks starts this week. I think I will honor it by checking out a banned book, reading it and then blogging about it. It's amazing to see the lists of books that get challenged. Most of them are pretty benign...
Oh, and nephew Zach, if you're reading this, that's an interesting new profile picture, but it's a bit small for me to make out what in the world you're wearing on your head. Is it a sailor cap? Have you joined the navy? I think you're a bit too young for that.
What a nice drawing! I'm glad you were holding your pencil again.
I want fall weather also...it's supposed to rain later :-).
It's a dishcloth... I was sitting in a highchair in the picture.
Oh, of course. A discloth on your head while sitting in a high chair. I should have figured that one out;)
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