
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is it dark in here or is it just my hat (or hair) getting in the way?

I have enjoyed my morning very much. I just finished my coffee and put down my book. I am reading two books at the moment: Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner and The Fountainhead (this one is a re-read) by Ayn Rand. I haven't been reading much since my class ended and am enjoying getting back into it. My friend Amy and I are having a sort of book club of two. Only literature allowed--none of that Oprah stuff. Yes, we are two former English majors acting all snobby about books;) The book we are reading is the Wallace Stegner book. I just had an urge to re-read the Ayn Rand. I think watching Mad Men brought this about as the show reminds me of her books. The Fountainhead was even brought up in a couple of episodes. One of the characters, in reference to the book, tells another character that by the time one is 30, one has met all the "types" of people that exist and that he is a "producer." Ayn Rand is big on writing about types of people. Sometimes I just cannnot commit to one book--I have to have two or more going and switch back and forth between them. Anyway, this is not my book blog, so I will stop here.

I have a drawing to post that I did for this week's weekend drawing event. This time I did post it at wetcanvas and now will have to comment on peoples' work. I love looking at other peoples' work, but not so much the commenting. Of course, I do like getting the comments, so I must comment. The woman in the drawing has a very large hat, doesn't she? I messed up her left eye, but I stopped trying to fix it before I totally ruined the drawing. We'll just say her mascara has smudged.

I am not going to do much cleaning today. I have the space for the book shelf cleared, so I'll wait until I can put the books away to really get back into it. Instead, once I finish blogging, I am going to get dressed and take a trip to Trader Joe's. No farmer's market today as it is over in 15 minutes. I can't get dressed and get there that fast, I'm afraid.

Last night I was up until 3:00 AM playing with this yearbook yourself thing. This is what I could have looked like had I been around and in high school in 1964. Quite a lovely hairstyle, I must say. I do like how the bit of blond is peaking out on one side.


J Brand said...

hee hee ha ha ha ha yearbook. ha ha hee hee ha ha

Literature reading impressive. I simply MUST read Ayn Rand once I move to the city : )

Glad to hear you are ready for the bookshelf. It is also ready for you.

Anyway, hee hee, ha, ha, ha over the yearbook pic. I think you look STUNNING in the 60s do and perhaps is a style you should consider? Hee hee ha hahahahahha

J Brand said...

p.s. I love the drawing too...just got overwhelmed by the yearbook picture hee hee hahahahahahahahhaha

Ruby said...

Well who could think of the lovely picture after seeing your yearbook photo? Fabulous is how you look (and I can see that you never had hair like that, which some of us did)!

Wow oh wow to the MACRO clean! I am impressed. Rob and I dumped stuff today too. It's going on everywhere, so Sissy get with it!