
Friday, June 5, 2009

A sketch

Hi all. I have been trying to clean for the greater part of today, but I seem to have lost my inspiration. My problem is that I have decided that the only way I can get this place halfway decent looking is by bringing another bookcase into the mix. I have this ancient chest of drawers that was ancient back in the day when it was in my grandma's house. The drawers will not open. It is full of junk. It is useless. I want it out of here, pronto. In its place, a bookshelf would be very useful. I want the book shelf today, but alas, I cannot afford the bookshelf, so I am stuck, just like the damn drawers.

Anyway, I just took a bit of a break from the cleaning and did this sketch. Nothing special--just a sketch of a man sitting on a bench, intently reading the newspaper. I don't know if I can get back into the cleaning. I am sick of just piling things on my bed. But then again, the bed might as well be used for something. Why not a storage space? I hope everyone is having a good day.

1 comment:

Janei said...

I'm sick of cleaning also....I am still doing laundry from the weekend. I am literally sick also from my little friend, Grant who was here...he had a sore throat and sinus infection and I picked it up too. Not good. Hope you are doing well.