
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day Rhino

I got an Earth Day card from my favorite rhino organization today and it featured a photo of this rhino. The photo was one of the winners of a recent rhino photo contest. Yes, I know I shouldn't be drawing from this photo and posting it on my blog, but the guy was so dang cute I had to draw him. I love his tubby belly.

I hope everyone enjoyed the lovely day today. I actually spent some time sitting outside and reading. Haven't done that in awhile. Now I'm sitting here, wide awake, thinking I should go to bed, so I'm not so miserably tired at work tomorrow. Thursdays always are kind of hellish for me as they're the only week day that I have to get up early. I should really get to bed, shouldn't I?


Anonymous said...

I liked the rhino drawing. He/She looks like a little buddha sitting there.
Glad you got to enjoy some fresh air on a nice day.

Janei said...

Hey, this rhino reminds me of myself...tubby little belly that he has.

Nice that you could spend time outside reading. We are finally getting some nice weather....and a thunderstorm is predicted. Yay!

J Brand said...

I enjoyed this drawing. Very happy, silly and fun. I heart him. So cute and perfect for Earth Day.
Hope you got some zzzzzzssss and hope this weekend we get one of those thunderstorms you and I both heart so much!

Happy Saturday and/or Sunday (whichever day you don't have to work!)