
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Slacking the Morning Away and a Vermeer sketch

Yes, as my title proudly (well, not so proudly, I suppose. More like stupidly...) proclaims, I have been slacking the morning away. I got up early to work on the paper and haven't typed a word yet. What have I been doing? Reading stuff and watching videos on the Internet. Oh, and I did have a bit of time to work on this sketch. This is my version of Girl Interrupted at Her Music by Johannes Vermeer. I don't like this one as much as a lot of his other paintings because it includes a man. Don't get me wrong--I am not a man hater. I just always feel like there is sort of an ick factor in his paintings of men and women together. It's always like the man is dominating the woman (or girl, in this case) in some way. I am sort of wondering if this is supposed to be the music teacher with his pupil. If that's the case, double ick. Ick ick! I just decided to sketch this because I wanted to relax while I was not working on my paper and the Vermeer book just so happened to be on the floor in front of my couch. This was one I had never tackled before. I do love Vermeer's paintings and he always did an especially lovely job of portraying women having quiet contemplative moments as they go about their daily activities, but you have to wonder about his attitudes toward male/female relationships. And I suppose you could say he was a product of his time. In his day, women basically had three choices: they could be a wife and mother, they could be a maid, or they could be a prostitute. Anyway, the fictional vampires that I'm writing about have more respect for women than Vermeer's men. I suppose I should get back to writing about them, shouldn't I?


J Brand said...

Hmmm...interesting thoughts on Vermeer. I heart your drawing and your thought provoking thoughts. Hope that paper is coming along now. Slacking the morning away is a good thing to do and it appears to me that with this beautiful drawing accomplished slacking is not really what you did at all. What constitutes slacking, I suppose, depends on who is deciding the definition : ) Glad to hear that Vampires are good people too....
Happy Paper Writing. Happier Drawing.

J Brand said...

Since I see no new postings here am I correct in assuming attention has turned to paper? Hope all is going well. Good luck with paper and with finishing up class. Go Anne! You are almost done that is an amazing accompishment of which you should be most very proud. If I was still at Brary I'd make you a graduation sceptor and crown but instead I offer you those virtually.

Anne said...

Thanks for the virtual sceptor and crown, jb. My virtual self is wearing them right now. The paper has really been kicking my butt as I really have been feeling no inspiration. I am on the home stretch now though and have the whole day to try to finish it up with a fresh brain as opposed to the fried brain I was working with yesterday. Thank you.